Saturday, April 30, 2005

The one where he choked...

Oh yeah - He choked alright. Er... I choked alright. Hardcore. On a shot of rum. Jacquins or something - it tasted pretty crappy. I tried to drink it in two gulps, which was stupid. And so I coughed, and I coughed, and I coughed, for the rest of the night. And then I decided to take another shot of vanilla vodka, which was supposed to taste good, but it was slightly overshadowed by the fact that I choked on that one too. Crap. I suck.

Tonight is the last night I'll have in pittsburgh for this semester. It's really sad. Tony'll be gone, Sarah'll be gone, Dave left this morning - paul's here, but screw him - just kiddin buddy ;) But I'm going to be packing all this crap into my car by myself. Um, I'm not actually sure if it's all going to fit. Oh well, if not, i'll just throw stuff out. I don't need this anymore, I don't need this anymoreeee. (strongbad... duh).

Um, this is just getting stupid. I'm drained, and i just want to go to sleep again. And I definitely don't want to make the drive home tomorrow. I just want to stay here for a few more weeks and just relax. But - apparantly that's not the deal. Rah-cha-cha, here I come

"you are an idiot - ha hahaha haaaa"


Friday, April 29, 2005

The one where it was almost over...

It's almost over everyone. That's right - sophomore year at pitt. It's time to be all nostalgic and sad - well - not yet. I still have one test. The life and times of shakespeare, aristotle, the feminist movement, the realist movement, the non-realist movement, musicals, post-war plays, the african american theater movement. Aka - Intro to Theater. Why oh why didn't I take intro to performance? It's so much easier! You don't have to "learn" anything from a book. Grrr.... - it's over now though.

It's weird that I'm dreading packing my shit up more than I'm dreading this final. I really don't want to do it. 2 reasons. 1) I actually have to put my shit in some sort of order and pack it into my car. 2) It means that it's actually over, and I have to leave. But - there is some consolation. I can procrastinate as long as I want, as long as i'm outahere by 12 noon on sunday. Which is probably when i'll end up leaving. I just want to hang out and chill for a bit. Visit with some people and enjoy just being done.

Things are certainly going to be different this summer. As some of you know, me and amanda broke up a little while ago. And I used to spend a crapload of time with her (not that it's a bad thing amanda, if you're reading this) - but I'm gunna have to find other things to do with my time. I'll be working for MyComputerGuy ( - if you know anyone who needs computer work, freaking call me - dirt cheap compared to a lot of people) - but because it's so inexpensive, that means I won't be making too much money fixing a computer here or there. So i'm thinking i should grab another job somewhere - gotta find somewhere extremly part time and flexible, or only during the day, and flexible. Who knows - i'll find something.

So as much as I don't want to leave as things of uncertainty are in the future (job / what to do with myself), I really want to go home so that next semester will come around quicker. I'm quite dissapointed that I've made such good friends with people only as of recent. So i'm really eager to get to know them better. Ya know who ya are - Anyway. I'm tired. And that final is not going to go away. So I'd better grab a few hours and wake up to study. Not quite as early as someone I know who is only getting 4 hours tonight - you're crazy!

Good morning! And If I don't see you, good afternoon, good evening, and goodnight!


Thursday, April 28, 2005

The one where he became childish...

I cannot believe how grown up I have not gotten. I have not aged a bit, and have not looked back... er, forward. Today my RA was passing out the little door hanger things that we have to check off when I complete each item. "All perishable foods removed from room and refrigerator" or "All appliances unplugged." So, while she was still standing there, using the residence life pen she just gave me, I proceeded to edit the sheet. It now read, "All perishable foods removed from room and refrigerator and placed on floor and walls." and "All appliances broken." Man, I seriously have not done a single thing, since the 5th grade, to better my attitude in front of people of authority.

Actually, that's a load of shit. When, put in a position when I need to act as if I were 19 years old, I do generally do that. Job interviews, classroom settings (except pfennings - came late to that class just about every day - right tony?), doctor's appointments, and meeting people for the first time - yeah, about that last one - when have I ever not made a fool of myself when I meet someone for the first time? Some small part of me comes out that is just down right embarassing. But - there is now evidence that there is some sense to all of this. If when I meet a new person, and my little "thing" of the evening comes out - a part of my persona that is different, weird, or unusual (same thing, 3 different words) - and this person thinks that it is funny, or entertaining, or intriguing in any way, they laugh, if only for the moment, and perhaps begin to be my friend. Or maybe it's some little thing that I do, or "am" to you that makes you think that I'm an ok person to hang out with. So go back to when you first met me - what was that one thing or list of things that was intriguing enough for you that made you say "hey, I think i'll talk to that kid again" or "wow, that was freaking stupid... but that's ok." I think it'll be entertaining to say the least. If you were to tell me what that thing was, you could share the entertainment with me as well. That would be fun :-D

Oh, and i studied today. Kinda.


Tuesday, April 26, 2005

The one where he got them to break down....

And give me antibiodics! Yay - finally, after 3 weeks of dealing with random respitory problems, the health service prescribed me birth control pills. Oh wait, I mean antibiodics. Well, i mean, they're in little individual "pop-out" pouches for each pill, so they kinda look like birth control pills.

OH - and when I was there - not that it's a big deal for me, as I was getting antibiodics and a decongestant, but - those health service pharmacy people are soooooooooo LOUD. They can divulge as much info as they want about me to the other waiting room people, but I think that young girl who was being prescribed 2 packets of birth control pills didn't want the entire world to know that. "Ok, so these are the only two packs we have left right now in your type of pill, but that'll last you for a bit till we can get some in, [gives half winking eye look to girl] right?" I mean, wow. Maybe it wouldn't be embarassing to you, "but for me", [kafka] i think i would like a little privacy. In fact, my two favorite drug dealers informed me that it's against the hippa laws now to speak in a way that other people can hear you. So ha - I'm filing a complaint.

So my fingers smell like wing sauce. I went to quaker steak and lube with simon, eric, and some pends, and some heinz chapel choir people too. It was kind of them to let us (the latecomers) sneak in on their reservation - we pretty much got right in. Thanks anne and ken - Anyway - good wings - they're a bit rough on your intestines, but good. My favorite happen to be the "lousiana lickers." Sweet, with just enough kick to them to keep you on your toes.

In other news, i really want to go to a toy store and buy jenga. Not only do I want to hone my wood block pushing skills, but I need to make a "truth or dare" version of it. A jenga set, a sharpie, and a little imagination and it's gunna be hot. Nevermind the inspiration for this undertaking (*cough, drunken phone call, cough, random girl called me, cough, orgasm?, cough, simon, cough*)

Time to go write a paper on hairspray - ya know, blue hair and whatnot.

~mendick, matthew, t.
ssn: 077-98-3347

Monday, April 25, 2005

The one where the upmc employee screamed...

I was dropping my car back off in the o.c. lot this morning, which as you might know, is where a lot of employees of the university and the hospitals park, as well as students. So i'm walking down the stairs, and i see some guy coming around the corner. He picks up his foot and looks at the bottom of his pants, and puts it down. I think nothing of it, but then he starts yelling, "Fuck! Fuck! ohhhh Shittt", and the like for about 2 minutes straight, as we both walk. And as he starts yelling, i remember something about what I saw when i looked at him a second ago. He wasn't looking at the bottom of his pants. He was looking at his two differently colored shoes. His right shoe was white, and his left was black. I think I'd probably be screaming if i went to work with two different colored shoes on too.

Last night, we all went to the union grill, which was fantastic. I learned that you can make butter... or at least get milk to coagulate with lemon juice. I also learned that half and half, when turned on it's side, does indeed spill, and will spill onto the floor if let be. I also learned that blank fortune tellers are much cooler than ones with words on them.

Later, I watched Spanglish. Contrary to popular opinion that adam sandler can't do dramas, i think he can. I particularly liked the part where he screamed before getting into the jeep, and then was an emotional mess while driving the nanny to the bus stop. I had a really good conversation too -- i haven't had a conversation like that in a while. Reallly excited about that. Thanks ;)

Time to head out - eating some chinese food and going to 4 square time

[random talking in sleep phrase] :-D


Sunday, April 24, 2005

The one where he fell asleep during pirates of silicon valley...

Pirates? Silicon Valley? You know that spells quality fun and entertainment. (It's a movie... kind of a documentary... of the story of apple and microsoft) If that's not like, cool, I don't know what is. Anyway, we watched that last night, and I freaking fell asleep after 30 min. Right on my desk chair. Which, I might add, is extremely comfortable when positioned just right.

Now onto the reason why i was so tired - The pends had a concert in fredonia yesterday - 3 hours up, and 3 hous down, with some singing in between. Now, in defense of this trip the saturday before finals: I wasn't going to study anyway, plus, it was another opportunity to sing, and it was also a lot of fun. But, man, was it tiring. When I got back, i took a nap! Can you believe it? I took a nap! Naps are fun, by the way.

I do appologize for the lack of a post yesterday, but I guess it's really not that big of a deal. Friday was the last day of classes - and boy, once it hits you that there is no more "school" this year, it really hits you. It's a breath of fresh air, a sigh of relief. Making it even better, tony sarah, marilyn and I went to pf changs for dinner. That was quite the experience - good food and good company. I even turned sarah on to lettuce ;) After this trip to the h2o front, we hit up the coldstone creamery, which I had never been to. Ohh wow. Amazing ice cream. Although, it was funny that it took me a good 15 min to figure out why it is called cold stone.

After that, i got ken's email that he was having a party, so we all, while adding dave, paul, and eric, made the trek over to his apartment. Now there were some good times there. We played kings for a majority of the time, and that damn 8 card kept coming up. apparantly, when the 8 came up, you're supposed to play "never had i ever" until no one has done whatever was said. All i'm going to say, is that those present decided to unleash their worst on me, educating everyone present to some of my... less desirable to be known... past. Anyway - enough said on the topic. Not only did I have to drink all those times when they said something that I had done, but every time marilyn drank, so did I, as she so craftfully designed the rule that when she drank, so did I. Mannnn - 6 for chicks, and mendick too!

And, as I did for my freshman seminar in composition class, I'm just going to not write a conclusion. And, as tony so astutely noted, by not writing a conclusion for this blog entry, I am indeed writing a conclusion in that act of not writing a conclusion. Man, that one fucks with your brain like "a critique of a verbal critique, of a critique of a verbal critique, of a critique, of a critique."

Good night Irene.

Friday, April 22, 2005

The one where she didn't actually have blue hair...

Went to see hairspray tonight - Wow, what a production. They did an amazing job. I think I'm going to have to write a paper on it now to grab a bit of extra credit. Maybe that will justify me skipping a class to go see it. Although, as steve and me expressed to rachel, the main character doesn't have blue hair in the play, and we were upset by that. She has it on the posters and on the program... why not the show!? Nuts! But other than the blue hair fiasco, things were really cool. I went with steve, roho, rb, and 2 of rb's friends. Me and steve felt like pimps. And, as we figured out later, pimpin ain't easy, but it sure is fun. And, we also found out, that since I offered sexual favors to barrett for giving us a ride back to pitt, the only pimp was steve, since i was also offering services.

I hope everyone liked the post from yesterday - it wasn't much of a post if you haven't taken ochem, but if you have, I have heard, that it was entertaining. I am also apparantly never allowed to take ochem.. ever. Which I'm ok with. no biggie.

I'm leaving pitt, after my sophomore year, in a week and 2 days. I don't know if that's scary to anyone else, but it is to me. 2 of the 4 years of college have passed. in a flash. Go freshman year, right marilyn? haha, it's gunna be awesome next year - i'm soooo excited. Which is why i'm kind of excited to leave, so i can come back sooner. But i'm really not excited to leave, because.... well, i like it here, with the people here. I've decided that i'm leaving on the sunday after finals, to give me a day of rest and relaxation, and chilling before i make the trek (and pack all my shit into the car) back to rochester. It's gunna be tough leaving this time, it really is. It saddens me. But - it'll be ok. Optimism! ;)

Captain O, with an OH underfoot, signing off.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

The one where I went to an O-Chem lecture...

Oh baby. That was exhilarating. I went to an ochem lecture. The teacher was going 2000 miles an hour, but that was cool. As sarah reminded me, it's a night class, so if she wasn't energetic, they'd all fall asleep. I took notes on my computer, so that immediately keyed everyone in the room into the fact that I'm not a real ochem student. What madman would in his right mind take notes on ochem, using a keyboard? Oh that's right. I did. And here they are, uncut.


2.44 Continued - Our Part B

Which Rxn is Faster Why?

An hexagon, with some lines on the inside, and an F on top. Some NO2, on two sides --> Ome, with an MeOH on the bottom….yields another ring, with some OCH3, and still has the two NO2s on it. AND… an F Ion…

The same as above, only without the F, and adding a Cl. Same arrow, same product, with a Cl ion as well.

Obviously, R.dis in NAS Rxn is Nu attacking Genzene to form Non-aromatic but resonance stablizied intermediate.

So then the question becomes which one is faster. And apparantly Allie was WRONG. They're not the same. There is one that is faster. Hahah.

The top one is more e(-).

The top one is indeed the more electrophylic ring.

You can then look at the Reactive intermediate stability, which gives you another ring, with an MeO, and an F coming off the top, of the TV antennas. With the same damn NO2's coming off the side.

The other ring has a CL and an MeO on the top, with the fucking NO2's on the side again.

The top one is better Inductive Withdrawyer??

The top one is more stable intermediate, with lower Ea for formation. Therefore, a faster reaction.

Well no, of course the F is faster. Silly professor.

The Cl- is better LG than F-, but so what? LG doesn't leave in R.dis.

She is really into this.

No questions.

Now, we're moving on to Part C. The obvious next section.

Benzyne Rxn.

Let's review an example

How about a ring with a Cl on top.

It is not electron deficient enough to participate in NAS Rxn.

Let's put a dot on the "carbon" which looks like the intersection between 3 of these lines that make up the hexagon with a single antenna on top. Extremely interesting.

Let's put an arrow with some crap on top: NH2, NaNH2, with an NH3 under pressure.

There's two rings, with an NH2 on top, and a carbon marker on top, as well as a flipped one, with the NH2 coming off at a 45Deg angle, with the carbon still on top. My hypothesis, is that someone got a freaking big ass magnet, and flipped the hexagon.

50/50 Mad dog?

Mechanisms Required

A ring with 3 antennas - an H, a Cl, and another H. - let's keep marking the carbon on top

- Point at the right H, with an NH2

And of course, the arrow leads to a ring with just a Cl on top, with two dots and a "-" in a circle on the side. By the way, the dots are an Sp2 orbital perpendicular to aromatic PI system. Uh oh - she has the wrong resonance form. Fuck, now I'm completely lost.

She's going to make Benzyne - remember "yne" is associated with a triple bond. I know what a triple bond is. It's 3 of the singular ones.

Benzyne - Highly unstable. Kind of like my mental state if I ever actually had to take this class.

From the benzyne, let's bring a NH2 out, and let it attack one of the benzyne carbons.

Let's redraw something. What? I have no idea.

NH2 (two dots on the top and bottom) pointing to a "3 line" ring, and an arrow popping off the 3 lines, and going onto the right 45 deg angle. With an arrow now, and there's a ring with an NH2 antenna, with two dots, and a death star.

The other 50 percent of the time (oh, that's what 50/50 means), it goes to the 45 deg spot first, then the arrow goes from the 3 lines, to the top position. And you get an arrow, with the NH2 on the 45 deg spot, on the right, with 2 dots, and the deathstar on the very top position. Don't forget that frickin carbon marker.

Now we're going to do it with hydroxyde. Which is harder to swallow because it really burns going down.

Another Example (which obviously needs to be underlined)

Cl on top of a hex ring, now an arrow, with NaOH, H20, delta High P….. GIVES…

OH on top of it all. (ya know the antenna thing again)

And this time, she's going to put the OH on the other side of the blue carbon, on the left side - it doesn't matter. It's just next to it. That's that.

She keeps looking at me wondering wtf I'm doing typing something and not drawing fun pictures.

22.1 Claisen Condensation Rxn.

Holy shit - we killed a ring. It looks like an upside down funnel, with an O sitting on top, smothering an OR. Now, arrow 1) (-)OR, HOR (whore?), 2) H30 + GIVES..

Upside down funnel x2, only the one on the right smothering an OR + (whore)

The double funnel is called Beta keto ester

Remember ** Alkoxide -or must match ester or….

  • Beta-Keto-Ester must have at least ONE hydrogen alpha to BOTH Carbonyls (um, upside down funnel much?)

Oh crap: In the above yield, the funnels grew legs, with H shoes.

She wants to let us know what's going on in the reaction vessel. If it's english, probably a lot of.. Um, consensual "bonding time" (get it? Vessel? Ship?)

Rxn Vessel Activities:

Funnel with O smothering an OR (-) OR now arrow: "invisible" transesterification Rxn. -- Only invisible when (-) OR matches ester OR

Transesterification? Oh my God.

The other thing that can happen is the funnel grows one leg wearing on H shoe, with Pka +25. You can get a small arrow going down, and a larger arrow going up - the smaller one is defying gr4vity. Below the arrows, is a funnel with an O on top, smothering an OR, with cookie monster on the bottom left foot. This is called ester enolate. H-OR Pka + 16, arrow, with a funnel smothering an OR, captained by an O. Claisen Condensation.

Now we'll talk about the mechanism. Ya know, the important shit. This is why I'm here.

Mechanism Required:

Captain O, on OR smothering funnel, with one H shoe on the left foot:

An O(6 dots)R, which is negative (duh), gets added to the H shoe.

Now, two uneven arrows top is shorter, and rightly pointing, and left is longer, and leftly pointing.

Yields Funnel, captin O, smothering OR, cookie monster underfoot, plus an H-O(4dots)R

The cookiemonster goes to another captin O ship, and gets placed right underneath the hold.

Arrow underneath that….

Captain O got a new ship, with two bonds on the left side, got 6 dots, but kept the OR - he was reliable.

Now we're playing hangman. WE've got:

O head, 6 dots, his deathstar, two arms, one right "OR" (hand), a lower torso, a left leg, two bond toes, with an O, and a giant ass RO, singlular bond Bunion on top.

Big Left arrow in between, and a small right arrow. Double funnel, smothering OR on right side. And a 6dot OR, with a deathstar.

Growing two H legs again undereath the double funnel. Don't forget the Pka of +10 - quite acidic.

Now from the Right mutant H foot, goes an arrow to that OR with the 6 dots and a deathstar from before…. WHICH ALL YIELDS…

Double funnel (quite stable apparantly, under these conditions), Captain O with arrowdynamic ship on the left, (he's got 6 dots), captain O on right, old school ship, but he's got an OR under the right foot. They both share a mutant H leg on the bottom. The Pika is +16

Now I'm going to stop for a second. There's acidic water? It apparantly protonates all deathstar OR's. So we won't go back to separate ester molecules.

Did she say that the deprotonation was the driving force for that reaction? Did she? I'm not sure I caught that.

Transesteification Issue Again

Captain O with an O underfoot, with an upside down V (spread eagle) on the right.

Arrow: 1) DS OCH3, CH3OH. 2) H30+……… ?

Same left, but now there's a DS OCH3 -> <- Captain O with an OCH3 underfoot, with DS hovering over an earthworm. (spread eagle with O on left) Two esters now in Rxn Vessel

Captain O with spreadeagle man again, with DS yields a SELF reaction:

Two captain O's with a spreadeagle O on the right

Captain O with OCH3 underfoot yields (self): Double captain O, with a OCH3 underfoot

Now: She may have done something wrong. She's thinking… pointing… talking outloud… (things are fine….) things are attacking other things…. How is that possible…. Scratch chin… let's see what happens with the other one…

Two things:

  1. Captain O, with DS off left side, with O spreadeagle on right, PLUS Captain O with OCH3 underfoot Yields: Double captain O, with O spreadeagle undefoot.

  1. Captain O, with DS off left side, with O underfoot, stabbing a CH3 and a captain O, with DS off left side, with O spreadeagle on right, yields Double captain O with an OCH3 underfoot

A good question has arisen. I have not a clue what she's saying.

Do you have to worry about the acid catalytes? Not that she knows of. Stupid question.

Hydrogen alpha to both Carbonyls very important:

Captain O with a OCH3 under right foot, with a tv antenna off left foot (new rudder), gives arrow:

  1. DS OCH3, CH3OH, and 2) H30 + (as always)

Captain O with OCH3 underfoot, and the TV antenna off left foot, with a DS inbetween the two antennas. Ohhh, sexy.

Arrow right, Arrow right - what the hell is the point of that?

Hangman again. O head, DS off right ear, left arm with Tv antenna hands, Right arm with OCH3 hands, lower torso, two 'intermediate' legs, lower lower torso, double bond right foot, with O foot, CH30 left leg. YIELDS:

Double captain O with OCH3 underfoot, two legs underneath, and a rudder, gives the first damn thing we had. Retro clasen impossible to avoid.

Double Captain O, OCH3 underfoot, two weird legs underneath, and a rudder on left. Arrow: DS OCH3 Ch3OH….. 2 Captain O, OCH3 UF, with Rudder

Same Captain O as before, with the left captain with 4 dots, and an arrow coming from his body, and an OCH3 (6 dots, with DS) going up his ass.


Hangman with left hand holding rudder, righth hand holding a captain O with OCH3 underfoot, and the rudder being strapped to his wrist. Arrow, Cap O, OCH3 UF, with rudder. Add a DS in the rudder, and a ROH, you can get Captain O, OCH3 underfoot, with a rudder, but instead of having a DS, it's a H controller.

Intramolecular Claisen Condensation (Dieckmann Condensation)

Good for forming 5, and 6 member rings. All the same restrictions apply. You need an Al cock's eye? Sick shit.

New structure. What shall I name it?

Some weird as scar, with 3 pikes in between the two double bond O wheels. On the side, we have two rightside up V's coming off the O sides. I really have no idea how to explain this.

She keeps looking at me. She knows I don't belong. She knows I'm fucking around. She's smart. She's right.

So basically, we're taking the long ass thing, and folding it up into a ring? I saw something like that on an infomertial one time. It was a big blue plastic storage thingy. You unroll it like a sleeping bag, and then you put your crap in the little cubby holes (like lego's, or whatever, and then when you roll it up, it's a nice, 6 sided cylinder, that holds your crap. That's what this is. What we get after all that crap on the board is…:

A ring, with no crap on the inside, with a captain O, with O underfoot, holding a double antenna, with an H coming off the underbelly of that vessel. Then, the ring's got an exhaust pipe coming off the right side.

Presence of Hydrogen alpha to both carbonyls makes this possible product.

You need to practice forming rings, just count the .. Um, crap. And you've got it.

Ketone + Ester

Captain O, standard model (pka +25) with H (and connector) off left foot, plus Captain O with OCH3 underfoot as well as H connector under left foot… Arrow…1) DS OCH3 CH3OH 2) H30 +


Arrow down off first guy with DS OR Captain O with DS off left side. It attacks up the ass of the second captain O.

Hangman: DS off head, pointing to neck. Empty left hand, OCH3 right hand, torso, left foot, two toes, with an O on the end, as well as a single bond instep.

Yields: Double Captain O with Two weird H feet + DS OCH3

Why no net rxn where ketone enolate attack more reactive ketone? Me matt. You prof. This hard.

Captain O with DS off left side, Captain O, standard ---> Hangman O with DS off head, two arms, a body, a torso, a leg, some toes, an O and an instep. Now, it forever loses C=O in ketone that was attacked.

We still have one little bitty section to do. Awwww fun.


Alkylation of Beta dicarbonyls

  1. Double captain o with OR underfoot. It's also got Two H feet Pka + 10 Arrow: 1) Base 2) CH3I

  1. Double captain O with OR underfoot. Cookie monster under the hull, points to a CH3-I --> Double captain O with OR underfoot, and a CH3 single antenna off the very bottom.

Double cap o with OR uf Arrow: 1) LDA 2) excess CH3I Double cap O with OR uf, with tv antenna off bottom

Alkylhalide is subject to SNC restriction

No questions on the above. Noted.


Question and answer hour: (Recitation…. Whatever)

Ring with an F on top, an NO2 off the 45deg side, some some arrow going from the left upper side to the left 45 deg side. Um yeah. Also, an NO2 antenna off the bottom. ARROW: O6dotsCH3 with DS Gives….. Ring with OCH3 up top and NO2 off 45 deg, and NO2 off bottom + F ion

Oooh! Ohh! I've heard of P orbitals! YAY!


Wow, That was amazing. Now, after typing all that, I cannot use my fingers anymore. If you read all of it, You're weird, by the way.


Tuesday, April 19, 2005

The one where he "wasn't sick"...

So I'm feeling better. But, yesterday I was feeling kind of crappy, and so, being that 2 weeks had elapsed since the onset of my sickness, I called up the student health service and got me an appointment. So I went there, and to make a really long story, and like 4 doctors later (I think they were training) they decided that I had a virus, and my allergies made it suck worse. So I walked out of there with a giant ass prescription for allegra. 180 mg - the max. It didn't work when I was in 7th grade, but ya know what, I think another 150 mg of the stuff may just do the trick.

Just got finished cleaning the room... er, my side - tony's a pretty clean guy. Not too messy. But I just regained floorspace I had no idea existed. This is great. But - can I keep it this way? Probably not. Judging from previous history. Ya know, like the history that's already happened. Not the future history. Tough to judge from that shit.

In the process of cleaning the room, I pulled out a shipping box from underneath my bed. It had bubble wrap in it. Neither I, nor tony, could resist stomping on it. Ohh no - I layed it out, and he took half, while I got the other half. We proceeded to stomp, as if we were crushing grapes, until everyone last one of those bubbles were gone. Had anyone seen us from the outside, I cannot even begin to imagine what they thought we were doing. But it would most definitely be deemed homosexual in nature. most definitely. not that there's anything wrong with that.

Alright, writer's block. crap. must be due to this messed up weather. sunny, rainy, cold, warm. crrazyiness

Sobe Yourself

Monday, April 18, 2005

The one where I got a stare or two...

Now, I must admit, this is from yesterday. But - it's still worth talking about. It is really a minute detail of my life but let's examine it a bit closer. I was walking down o'hara street, trying to get into the old engineering hall to get up the hill a bit faster. but um, it was sunday - no dice with the locked doors. So I'm walking down the street, and i see this group of three people approach a car, and they start opening the doors to get in. And this girl, who looked to be about 25, with extremely dark eye makeup on, and a full set of braces, lined with dark black rubber bands, which tend to stand out (kind of like when i got green ones once -- it looked like i had lettuce stuck in my teeth for 2 months). Anyway, it wasn't the braces, it was the stare she gave me. It wasn't just a normal like, glance at me for a little longer than socially normal, but it was a look at me, and then proceed to turn her head as I walked by and continued watching me for a good 5 seconds after I had passed the car- which is a long time when you're getting started at. After I turned the corner, i checked to see if my hair was sticking up, or if i had like a giant booger hanging out of my nose or something, but nothing was found. Freaky deeky.

So i'm on the union patio - and there's a univeristy "tractor" on the grass next to it. And the guy that is manning said tractor decided to leave his oldies music coming from the radio on, when he left to go take a break. And oh baby, is that loud music. I can hear it through my head phones. It's not that I'm against oldies music, it's that i'm against not being able to think because of it.

Oh my God. sucks. Yesterday morning, the forecast for the next few days was, Sunny, Rain, Rain, Rain, Rain, Rain, Rain. Now, at 12:47 in the a-noon, it's sunny, sunny, rain, sunny, sunny, sunny, sunny. Good times.

Uh oh - glorified weather report blog. Danger will robinson, danger.

battery dying too


Sunday, April 17, 2005

The one where he ...[gasp]... did some work!...

Haha, oh don't get all excited - I didn't do all that much. I just read a play that was due tomorrow, and I've started an assignment that's due in like a week. Planning ahead, I know - strange.

My sickness seems to kind of be going away, and is being replaced by wonderful allergies. I'm allergic to grass pollen, which my dr deduced when I was younger, as my symptoms are worse at night with the windows open than during the day. And, given that grass pollen is stronger during the night than during the day, grass pollen is it. So - now that spring has stared in pittsburgh, I'm getting ready for the fun that comes along with it. Gotta go get some tissues.

Saw "Guess Who?" last night - it's kind of a meet the parents style movie, only the guy that is meeting the parents is ashton kutcher, and his fiancee's black family doesn't know he's white. It um, was kind of predictiable, but it was cute nonetheless. We (tony, sarah, marilyn and I) saw it at the southside works theater - Wow - What a theater. The theater itself (like, the room where the movie was shown) was smaller than I expected, but the seats were really nice, and everything was really new. I'll def be going there again.

Now- what you don't know, is that tony just cut my hair. I decided that I was fed up with having long hair, so he gave me a buzz cut. You know what? There is no way I could pull that one off. No, he just cleaned up my neck - I think I'm just gunna wait till i go home to get a hair cut. No more supercuts debacles.

But indeed I had a fun time last night. The movie, although not being oscar worthy, was fun to go to with the people i went there with. They made it cool. And then we played poker. Marilyn, although was only down to 3 green chips, came back and took it all. Wow - so cool ;)

Time to go finish that assignment I said I was gunna do like 2 hours ago - i'm outahere


Saturday, April 16, 2005

The one where I'm not emo...

Actually, I am kind of emo. I mean I'll listen to emo music and such, because i like how it sounds, but i'm not all whiny and whatnot. When I get all emo, like in the previous post at the end, it's all like positive emo and whatnot. Just clarifying that.

So I sat alone in the dark today and cried. I was drinking water, and as i looked at the droplets on the inside of the bottle, they reminded me of the tears.....

Oh no fucking way! that's so not me!

On to something more real. Went to the formal last night, which was hot. 4 pends went, including myself, and we had a good time. we were "cutting a rug" on the dance floor. we made fools of ourselves. we danced to dave matthews. (which um, is pretty damn well near impossible to do without looking like a moron). we went to 4 square after that. there were quite a few people there. it was pretty cool.

But my feet hurt. I wonder if it's from jumping around so much on that floor. Maybe it's the shoes. All i know is that my instep feels like it has a crack running down the center of it. that would suck. i think i should go to student health. no, not for my foot, but for my head - maybe i have a sinus infection. maybe i should get some antibods. that'd be good.

Well it's time to head out - out to see a movie with tony sarah and marilyn, and then back here to chill with some more people. that'll be fun :)

tenacious d, out

Friday, April 15, 2005

The one where he saw them taking pictures...

So I'm sitting outside the cathedral, on the lawn, on the Heinz Chapel side of it. And as I get up to walk towards the quad, I see these people taking pictures of the cathedral. One guy takes one, and other guy takes another, and then they switch their positions to get an "oh so different" angle of the great building to put in their scrapbooks. Do you have any idea how many people have taken pictures of the cathedral? It's nuts. When I visited pitt, I'm sure I took a picture of it. Alex, before we left for the pends retreat, saw a nice shot of the "tower of terror" and took it. It's beautiful. But here's what I propose:

Being that there have probably been about 1,000,000 pictures of the cathedral taken over the time of it's being erected, and about 3/4 of them being digital, why don't we upload them all to a big picture database website. We could call it "" or something. So there'd be like 750,000 pictures of the cathedral on there, all from different locations, different times of year, different times of day, different weather conditions. It'd be great! And nobody would even have to bother with taking their own. Man, I'm a genious.

So I feel really good about myself lately. Things seem to be going pretty well for me. I mean, not with like school. Not that it's going bad, it's just not going amazzing. But I mean, I'm just feeling really good about stuff. So whatever the people in my life (all of you reading this) are doing, keep doing it, because i'm feeling great. My friends from home, my pitt friends, my pendufriends, my new found friends - you know who you are ;) My new "chill the fuck out" slogan is really working well. Thanks to you guys. I appreciate it.

Feel good session over

I'm tapped for anything else I really wanna publish right now. Anyway, have a good one everyone - peace out my homiez.


Thursday, April 14, 2005

The one where time got away from me...

So as many of you know, I don't really start my day on Tuesdays and Thursdays until like 6:00. Night classes, kick in then, and i have a 2.5 hour one each day. Well, today, instead of just going to class, pends, and then fuel, I have to go to class, get out early to go see the Boundary, which i waited until the VERY LAST day to go see. I mean, I lost my semester pass, so i first of all, coudln't get a ticket, and second of all, had to buy another ticket for face value *huff huff huff*. And then, so after i watch the show, i have to write the review on the play for tomorrow. Kind of jam packed.

This afternoon, mollie was very nice to make a purchase for me... ehem.. at a store that apparantly, for some reason, only sells things to people over the age of 21. um.. yeah. so thanks mollie! tonight will be interesting (of course, after i finish writing my paper. i would never try to write a paper impared. um. yah)

Tomorrow is the heinz chapel formal - and after that, i'm going to go play some 4 square, and eat at least one of their 1600 hot dogs that they're going to be cooking. That's ALOT of processed meat. but, 4 square at midnight, with hotdogs and other assorted free food sounds pretty damn good to me. AND, i get to do it while dressed up! suit and all. oh baby.

Saturday night, i'm not sure whether we're singing at the sounds of pleasure concert yet, but i know simon showed some interest in people hanging out that night, with perhaps a little... funky fluid. that could be a very good time as well.

Ok, i'm really just listing off what i'm going to do at this point. sorry about the bad post. perhaps tomorrow will be better... ;) I bet it will be.

until next time

c'est la vie -- dave, this is french.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

The one where I get continually distgusted...

Oh man - it happened again. I was walking down the street, and I see a pretty girl - Now, i'm not saying that I'm out there walking around taking note of all the pretty girls I see - Please don't think i'm so horn dog. Anyway, that out of the way, the pretty girl I saw, of course, had a wonderfully attractive cancer stick in her mouth. For god's sake - if you're a girl, and you're pretty, could you please stop smoking? No, no, screw that - If you're someone, male or female, who is under the age of 30, could you remember the black lung you saw in elementary school and actually think about what you're doing? ASLDFJALKDSJFLAKSJdf;. pardon me for my querty flub.

Haha, that's a funny phrase. Querty Flub. That's what i'm going to call that from now on.

"Querty Flub": The random key-hitting that expresses distress of some sort, and should be excused by the reader as an outlet of stress.

I like it that one ^.

Wow, this post is taking forever.

I'm sitting in alumni watching all the graduating seniors getting fitted for their gowns and such - walking around with University of Pittsburgh bags, and picking up information on class rings and such. It seems like I was just doing that at mcquaid.... wow - time has freaking flown by. I'm 2.5 weeks short of completing my sophomore year of college. That, my friends, is the definition of "freaky deeky"

"Freaky Deeky" - no, i'm kidding, i'm not going to define another word.

But anyway, nostalgia aside, i'm going to end this piece.

Have a great day - enjoy this freaking weather - it's truly amazing to be outside... so i'm gunna go out there for a few to enjoy it.

(for those wondering, i'm inside alumni because i wanted to test out this cool, but incredibly flimsy hi-gain wifi antenna/pc card i just got in the mail - read the review on - hawking hi-gain wifi)

~G'day mates

(after - post clarification - If you are a pretty girl, i'm not saying that you smoke. Certainly not. I know a lot of pretty girls that do not smoke. I'm just expressing my distaste in general about people smoking, and it was that one thing in the first place that reminded me of how stupid it is. Um, that's all. I hope you all don't think i'm a jerk. Hopefully you understand what i'm saying)

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

The one where you'd better watch out for i2hub...

I2Hub - the greatest piece of software ever invented - is probably going down. A sad, but true fact, that ever great file swapping client will inevitably be shut down. Ok - so i2Hub, for those of you who don't know, is based on the fact that universities and technology companies have started this thing called the Internet 2. It's an extremly high speed connection between these entities, which was created to share academic information and to test high speed data hardware, between universities (and long distances). So - if you're on a Pitt computer, and you wanna download something at CMU down the street, you won't access it via the regular internet, but it will know you are on the internet 2 network, and put you on the high speed road to goodness. Anyway, the RIAA is crackin down on a bunch of schools - Pitt and CMU are both on the list :( - they're suing 25 people at each of 18 schools - pretty much sending students that we are not safe (whcih was the original assumption). Anyway, so maybe I'll bit the bullet and start renting movies again (and ripping them onto dvd of course) or something. Could be fun- hahaha. No way - we'll find a new way to download free movies off the internet illegally. Internet 2, you had a good run. Maybe later buddy, maybe later.

In other news, my throat is hurting again. What the frick. Why can't I get rid of this damn thing!? Anyway. So on friday, i'm going to the Heinz Chapel Choir's formal event. It's at the holiday inn - it's gunna be a good time. Goin stag too, which should be interesting. I can't remember the last time i went to a formal event without a date. Oh wait, that happened never. It was really nice of ken to invite us too - what a great guy he is.

Hey, btw - for the record, my right butt cheek muscle is twitching. I have no idea why it's doing that. Oh wait - it stopped. Oh wait, no it didn't. There it goes again. wtf is wrong with my ass.

Ok - sorry- i'm bridging the gap between need to know and "never in Gods name did you ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ........ ever want to know" - - anyway -- g'night to all


Monday, April 11, 2005

The one where he finally started doing a bit of work...

Hey everyone - It's true - I'm starting to do some work this semester. Not that you need or want to hear about it, but hey - if you find me slightly more occupied with "schoolwork," that is why. I have to finish up a public speech, where I am going to argue for the increased prescription of this drug called Buprenorphine, which I still can't say, much less spell, and then i have to... wait. Ok, so i guess that's the only real work i have to do in the next week, but hey, that's a lot for me. Bupe is really a pretty cool drug - it's a methadone-like opiate replacement drug that helps people get off drugs like heroin or oxycotin, and on to it, which is non-euphoria inducing, and it's really freaking hard to OD on it too. yeah ok, sorry - no more drug lessons. This coming from the kid that just got a 47 a drugs and behavior test. don't worry, i already knew i had a really high grade in the class, and that i could drop that test - ... that's why i didn't study for it. anyway

i'm posting from the cathedral lawn which is, apparantly not sacreligious. apparantly dave feels that if people go and lay out on the soldiers and sailors lawn, (even though there is a parking garage underneath, and nobody's burried there) that it's disrespectful to the fallen soldiers of our country. and i guess I can agree to an extent, if there wasn't an exhaust filled parking garage directly underneath that beautiful grassy knoll. anyway, i'm not there, just to place davey. (he also mentioned that the soldiers probably wouldn't have a problem with girls in bikini's laying out on their grass, by the way ;) ).

I'm really looking forward to tonight, because tonight is the night i get to go to shadyside for a bit of coffee. We have kind of built up a little tradition of going to coffee (by we, i mean tony, sarah, marilyn and myself, and whoever else marilyn or we want to bring as well) every monday and wednesday nights. it's been a blast so far, so we figured we'd try another venue tonight. hence, the shadyside coffee tree (i think that's the name) coffee place. they have a really great apple grogge (which is um, hot apple cider with a fancy name) but beware. be near a bathroom after you consume that wonderful fluid. just trust me on that one. (tony agrees). So - in an effort to work on my speech a bit more, i'm outahere.

by the way, in the coming weeks, look for a link to the new "Penduwords" list, that I will be posting on the internet somewhere, that will contain the complete and offical list of penduwords, along with definitions, and authors. should be fun. - (send me your words!)


Sunday, April 10, 2005

The one where he had 9 minutes to update...

Ok, so it's stupid, because i know i can just edit the time at the bottom and not dwell on it. Heck, i could say that i updated on December 7, 1941 - which of course, would be the reason that day is living in infamy. anyway - Yeah Anyhoo. Here were the happenings for today... as they happened.

Last night, which was mostly part of today, we went and celebrated tony's birthday. Then we went out for a little partying and whatnot - eric said he knew a BYOB party that we could go chill at. It was a theme party: Lazers and Blazers. We had neither. We had a little MD 50 (mad dog? sure) which was like a cheap peach flavored wine that a 5 year old could have bought at eckerd, but tha'ts ok - it wans't bad. We also had a bit of malibu (ohhh rachel, you know you love it). So we drank the wine at the party, and left and went to marilyn's place. We played "fuck the dealer," and BLURT! which is amazing. It's a came made by Webster - ya know, the dictionary people, but um, yeah it really is fun. We played a bit of poker as well, which eric won - after marilyn went all in - (if we had more time, you totally would have waited for the right cards and kicked his ass ;) ) And then.... we went and searched for a missing person. as of right now, i'm not still not right now sure whether she was found, but we were out till like 3:30 looking for her. I hope she's alright - i really do... :( I really had a good time with the people i hung out with this weekend. ya know who you are ;)

Today- like the real day day, Tony's parents took tony, me and sarah to Chuck E. Cheese! Oh man, we felt like we were 5, but it was an amazing time. much props to tony's rents for letting us be kids again. not that I, for one, don't act like i'm 5 anyway ;) I jumped around in the kiddie tubes for a bit - and we played basketball like woah. i beat tony once, but um, yeah he's much better than I am. we ate some pizza, took like 70 of those little picture sketches in that machine... it makes little sketches of the picture that it took, and such. well, anyway - you don't care. I had a good time - and today's excursion has inspired me to go again. sometime - like a group of 10 college students walking in to chuck e cheese. could be fun. could be sketchy for the employees of chuck e. cheese. very sketchy.

Anyway, oh shit - it's 12:01 now. i'm late. crap.


Saturday, April 09, 2005

The one where the droves came to PHAT J.A.M. IX...

Oh baby - PHAT J.A.M. IX [booming announcer voice] was a success! Oh man, the place was packed - and HOT - no, it was like 90 degrees in there. And humid? Ohhhh. Even so, my throat was dry for most of the show.... interesting. Anyway - Second Verse - which, were supposed to suck, um, kicked ass. Wow, cheesy? sure - but very good. Especially that vocal percussionist - oh man. He looked a little eminemesque, but it worked for him. Minus those sunglasses, right roho? ;) Anyway, so the VT Sweet Emotions were, um, Sweet - RB's bro rocked our ear drums, and the rest of the group were amazing as well. None of them are reading this, but nice job guys - very nice job. So after the show, we cleaned up, i rolled my ankle like 7 times on those stupid stairs, and we headed off to one KICK ASS Party. I saw alex this morning, and even he agreed, that that party was freakin amazing. Um, it did happen to get broken up by the cops (sorry roho :( we feel for ya!) but alex wasn't fined, so that's good - haha, actually it's funny. The keg ran out, so his roomate was in line at the beer distributor when alex called him and was like "uh dude, the party got busted... don't get the beer." In any event, it was an amazing finale for the year of a cappella, and i got shitfaced, so hey, things went well. Marilyn got beer spilled on her :( - stupid broken table - but they fixed that post haste, and we continued to lose miserably, but that's ok. Yes indeed, it was a wonderful night.

Thanks again to all you pends, and all you non-pends that supported me - pretty much all my friends - you guys kick ass - thank you, thank you, thank you.

It's Tony's birthday today - we're gunna do a bit of celebrating tonight - should be fun. Anyhoo, i'm going to end this post now, but again, thanks to all that came to PHAT J.A.M IX [in loud booming announcer voice, again] and i'll see you all at TURKEY J.A.M. next semester!

Good morning, and if don't see you, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!

~Mendick (Rah-Cha-Cha ;) )

Friday, April 08, 2005

The one with the hardware errors...

So yeah, we're trying to fix sarah's computer - by we, i mean eric, tony, dave, and myself. good times - We're thinking it's hardware issues... Hopefully we can kick it's ass.

One more time....

The Pitt Pendulums present
Cathedral of Learning
Room G-24

Now that that's out of the way. On to something more important.

So I was up till around 5 last night, between finishing up the CD i had to make (the songs for that play - see "the one where ursula died...") and playing mario kart (and losing miserably). Then we were trying to work on the computer. 4:45 rolled around, and as I come out of the bathroom, and see eric sitting indian style in front of the computer with his head between his legs, half- asleep, i suggested it was time to go to sleep.

Last night was the "last fuel" but it wasn't really, because i mean, it's not like the restaurant blew up or something - we're just gunna go again next week - BUT it was the last fuel with regard to the fact that the concert's tomorrow night, and it's our last concert with a few people, like Ben, Alex, and perhaps rick... (who knows about rick anyway?) We wanted to sit together, but apparantly seating 25 people together is some sort of problem for them. Anyway, it was nice to have the entire group in the same building, not in a rehearsal setting. Then we went back to ben and mollie's to try to bring everyone together-- not as many people came as i thought were going to, but it was really hot. We got to hear the "Ballad of Rick Erb" sung by none other than Rick Erb. (listen to the "recorded" version at We also listened to quite the rendition of some les mis song by ben. very nice buddy. Also, i deep throated a wine bottle, much to the dismay of all present ;) I'm really gunna miss you guys - so i guess it's a good thing we're having that summer retreat :) I love you guys- Thanks for everything :-D

So i woke up at 8:30 this morning, and in a daze, looked at tony and sarah, and decided to skip breakfast. So i set my clock for 9:00. Then when 9:00 came around, i decided on skipping my first two classes, and going straight to theater recitation. This was much needed, as i needed sleep really bad, and i really didn't feel like sitting in public speaking, doing mental masturbation, ehem, i mean, having conversation about our topics of speeches....

Anyway, I have a lot of nothing to do today, so I really should get off the computer and get to that. I'll see all of you at the concert tonight!

Thursday, April 07, 2005

The one where I killed Ursula....

Yeah - I killed her. She took my freaking voice, so i killed her and got it back. how's that biatch. wait - doesn't she die in the end anyway? (the little mermaid, hellooo). oh well, it's back. :)

i'm in internet construction at the moment, and i'm ready to leave. we're getting to the point of the lecture where i know it already, so i'm done damnit.

So in the last few min, as he blabbers on, i'll update.

for my theater class, I had to come up with music that would go into this show called "wonderful world." you had to select music for these times: pre-show, in between scenes, post show, and curtain.

ther'es 11 scenes - that's a lot of songs. i'm tired of looking for more 30 sec. snipits of fitting music.

before that, tony said "sarahs computer just shut down" so he went down there to take a look at things, then called me down - man, that thing is pretty messed up. probably cause she had a virus. those things are bad. go download virus protection software, now. you don't want what this girl had. we tried a few things, but ultimately eric is going to end up wiping it later tonight, and starting over. fun stuff!

I'm gunna leave now, and go to the last pends practice before the concert TOMORROW NIGHT, 7 O'CLOCK, G24 OF THE CATHEDRAL, AND IT'S FREE. [end of shamelss plug]

i need some food first - i'm getting the heebly jibbly's (from lack of sugar, and from being nervous about the concert - right roho? ;) i don't even know if you read this - oh well)

OMFG gotta end this post right meow!

come to the show, please? it's gunna be hot. seriously


Wednesday, April 06, 2005

The one where he watched college students on a see-saw...

Haha, ok, so I had nothing better to put as the title for today's entry. I'm sitting outside the union, under the little awning, watching some frat bros and sorority sisters ("pyramid x a"and triangle triangle triangle) on a giant blue and yellow (perhaps gold... go pitt) see-saw. They're raising money for the big-brothers and big-sisters of pittsburgh. I'll tell you, it's freaking hilarious - maybe you just have to be here.

Another funny thing that happened outside the union in the last 5 minutes is this:
If you know bigelow blvd, you know that there's a pedestrian crosswalk in the middle for students to cross. Now, if you're a pedestrian, you think the cars should stop for you right there and then, and if you're a car, you think the pedestrians should stay the frick away until you're done passing through. Anyway - in this situation, there were troves (troves? sure - i think that means "a lot of people") of students crossing all at the same time, therefore impeding the ability for the cars to drive, even though it was a green light. Normally, you just sit there and wait (if you're driving) but in this case, apparnatly people were "not from around here" and started honking. So the next car, and the next car, and the next car started honking, and pretty soon, the entire traffic jam on bigelow was honking at the innocent pedestrians. Some gave dirty looks, some just laughed. I just laughed watching. That was thorougly entertaining, but surely not as much for you after reading that.

Those habitat for humanity people are really losing touch with reality. If they think that they can just build little 10' by 10' shanty houses on the front lawns of college unions and get away with "helping humanity," they've got another thing coming.

This insensitive moment was brought to you by idoitic sarcasm. (there's a little structure on the front lawn of the union that is an advertisement for habitat for humanity, not an actual "habitat house" - i'm not that stupid, or insensitive - please don't think that)

So yeah, this was pointless, as you well now know, so i'm outahere. Gunna go get me a bottle of water and maybe something to snack on. My voice is still gone. *sigh* please find me again by fridayyyyyy

Mr Shoe

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

The one where he lost his voice...

Yep - lost my voice. Shit. Concert's in like 4 days. Oh well - Maybe it'll come back. Maybe i'll be experienceing PHAT J.A.M. IX from the audience :( But anyway.... speaking of which....

The Pitt Pendulums present
Friday, April 8th 7pm
Cathedral of Learning
Room G-24

It'll be a good time for all - we're gunna sing a crapload of songs too - anddd it's FREE, as listed above.

i have social problems tonight - no, i mean, i have the class "social problems", not that I have social problems. i mean, you might think so, but don't tell me - that'll just make them worse - haha. we're getting our test back. i hope i didn't screw it up. that would make me very sad. but only for about 5 seconds, cause pends practice is after that. of course i probably won't be singing much - perhaps more "taking it all in" tonight.

Seeing as how I haven't done much today, I guess i don't have much to talk about, but i'll tell you, this whole "chill the fuck out" theory is really working for me. I'm excited about chilling out. I'm chilling out right now. It's great!

In other news, it's really nice outside, so i'm going to go back out to "catching some rays" outside pa hall on the grass. go postal service.

goodnight irene.

Monday, April 04, 2005

The one where he finally posted from alumni....

My theory works! On nice days, wireless signals go farther and stronger! Ok, i'm not sure why that happens, but i bet if i thought about it for a bit i could figure it out. Radio waves move better in high pressure (anti-cyclonic weather apparantly) - I just googled it. Google is amazing. everyone should google everything. alright enough of that.

So yeah, being that i have a crapload of time in between classes, i usually try to log on to the wireless network in alumni hall. only they don't have a wireless network in alumni - i steal it from across the street outside the cathedral. It's kind of a stretch in the first place, so on crappy days, of low pressure, the signal doesn't quite make it over here. i can't grab those first two packets from the dhcp server to give me my ip. anyway, so being that it's a beautifuckingful day, it's working nicely. this makes me happy.

I've come to the realization that i need to settle the frick down. I've been hurridly trying to make my life go back to normal, and that's a bad idea. And in the process, i've been (unintentionally) messing with relationships and friendships and whatnot, and that's just not a good idea. I've been pushing the issue, and this is one issue you just can't push. Maybe you understand, and maybe you don't. You don't have to though- all i need to know, is that in order to be happy, i need to let things happen. i can't make them happen - hopefully they will, but if they don't right now, it's not a big deal. i'm supposed to be an annoyingly optimistic person, and i haven't really been all that lately. not saying that i haven't been happy, but i've been stressing myself out about "stuff" and i just need to chill. so that's what i'm going to do - go back to chillin. if any of you see me not chillin, you need to tell me to put my feet back up on that big couch of life, and "keep chillin". ya know, like samuel l. in pulp fiction telling "flock of seaguls" to chill. get back up there and wait to get shot in the chest. wait - no, just chill. no guns involved.


ok i'm done - mendy out

entertained yet sam? hahaha i sure hope so

Saturday, April 02, 2005

The one where he missed bigelow bash.... again...

Yup - For the second year in a row, I've missed bigelow bash. I dunno why I missed it last year, but I wasn't here, that's for damn sure. In fact, I seem like I always miss cool "bigelow" events. Oh well - My parents are coming in right now. They said the weather sucked up north, cause there were like 30 cars off the road between crotchfester.. ehem, Rochester, and buffalo. that's a lot of freaking cars. They're coming down to see the originals concert that the pends are singing in too, so they get a chance to see us sing.

Anyway, I'm doing laundry right now, because i haven't in a really really long time -- ooops it's done - brb. (this element of "brb" is useless in blogspeak, i realize, but it's fun to do anyway)

kk back ;)

I think mr. blogger thinks i'm in a different time zone, as it thinks it's 10:25 in the am (when it's really 1:25 in the pm)

Anyway, I had a good night last night (thanks rachel for bringing me out ;) ), went to a party at Dan's fraternity, although dan wasn't there, i don't think.... i didn't see him - but he could have been in different places, as rachel suggested. Regardless of whether i saw dan or not, I had a great time. rachel's a pretty cool person to go party with ;)

So i'm gunna go finish up doing my laundry - sorry for a non-eventful and cool post, but while you are thinking about how much this one sucked, read the last one, and let me know what you think.

mendy out biznatches

Friday, April 01, 2005

The one where he had this idea....

Wow - I actually had a thought, and not a rambling. I've told a few people about this, but maybe not all of you. It's not something that's going to save the world or anything so don't get your hopes up. Anyway, on to the explanation of my amazing world saving idea ;):

I don't know anything about politicians. I really don't - so there needs to be some way that everyone can sort out the issues. I've tried going to the individual politician's websites, but they seem to be uh, heavily loaded with language that seems to make you think they are amazing. Also, debates are difficult to sort out, because again, the language all sounds pretty, but what the hell did they just say?

Which brings me to the point:
Sorting it all out.

My idea is to send to all candidates, (the most relevant to me would be presidential candidates, but expansion is cool too) forms. And on these forms they would have listed down the left side issues, like this:

Social Security:

Capital Punishment:


etc, etc, etc. Now, the point is that these issues are meant to be non-partisan and objective. The candidate can now write whatever he or she feels he or she wants the people to know about their stance on the topic. Now, once these are filled out and sent back to this glorious organization, they will be posted on the internet in a side by side manner:

---------------------------GW Bush-------- John Kerry

Social Security: -----------Money is fun. -----I'm for it.

Capital Punishment:-------- Let's kill people. ------Ok whatever.

Abortion: -----------------I had one once. --------I've had 3, beat that GW

(you get the idea... right?)

And so on and so forth. This way, the voter can look at these listings and find the candidate they want to support based strickly on their feelings on subjects. If you wish to limit it to a few topics in which you only care about, you can select those and view those by themselves, as well as selecting the candidates you wish to see. If you don't give a damn about abortion and Ralph Nader, you don't have to look at them.

My follow up idea on how the hell to actually get this to work, is um, you need money. A shitload. Not for server costs and whatnot, but for advertising. Which is the answer to the problem of "why would these candidates fill this out for some random student at pitt?" The answer is that I've been nationally advertising the debut of this website for weeks, and if the candidates don't answer, everyone will know that he or she is a jerk for not wanting the public to know how they feel, unbridled by the lights and glamour of tv, radio, and newsprint.

So, anyone got a whole load of cash for a national advertising campaign?

So that's my idea, hope you like it. I do - Maybe then I can figure out who I'm voting for before i look at the damn buttons in that booth and play "inny meeny miney mo" for president.

Seacrest out biznatches

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