Friday, April 01, 2005

The one where he had this idea....

Wow - I actually had a thought, and not a rambling. I've told a few people about this, but maybe not all of you. It's not something that's going to save the world or anything so don't get your hopes up. Anyway, on to the explanation of my amazing world saving idea ;):

I don't know anything about politicians. I really don't - so there needs to be some way that everyone can sort out the issues. I've tried going to the individual politician's websites, but they seem to be uh, heavily loaded with language that seems to make you think they are amazing. Also, debates are difficult to sort out, because again, the language all sounds pretty, but what the hell did they just say?

Which brings me to the point:
Sorting it all out.

My idea is to send to all candidates, (the most relevant to me would be presidential candidates, but expansion is cool too) forms. And on these forms they would have listed down the left side issues, like this:

Social Security:

Capital Punishment:


etc, etc, etc. Now, the point is that these issues are meant to be non-partisan and objective. The candidate can now write whatever he or she feels he or she wants the people to know about their stance on the topic. Now, once these are filled out and sent back to this glorious organization, they will be posted on the internet in a side by side manner:

---------------------------GW Bush-------- John Kerry

Social Security: -----------Money is fun. -----I'm for it.

Capital Punishment:-------- Let's kill people. ------Ok whatever.

Abortion: -----------------I had one once. --------I've had 3, beat that GW

(you get the idea... right?)

And so on and so forth. This way, the voter can look at these listings and find the candidate they want to support based strickly on their feelings on subjects. If you wish to limit it to a few topics in which you only care about, you can select those and view those by themselves, as well as selecting the candidates you wish to see. If you don't give a damn about abortion and Ralph Nader, you don't have to look at them.

My follow up idea on how the hell to actually get this to work, is um, you need money. A shitload. Not for server costs and whatnot, but for advertising. Which is the answer to the problem of "why would these candidates fill this out for some random student at pitt?" The answer is that I've been nationally advertising the debut of this website for weeks, and if the candidates don't answer, everyone will know that he or she is a jerk for not wanting the public to know how they feel, unbridled by the lights and glamour of tv, radio, and newsprint.

So, anyone got a whole load of cash for a national advertising campaign?

So that's my idea, hope you like it. I do - Maybe then I can figure out who I'm voting for before i look at the damn buttons in that booth and play "inny meeny miney mo" for president.

Seacrest out biznatches

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