Monday, April 04, 2005

The one where he finally posted from alumni....

My theory works! On nice days, wireless signals go farther and stronger! Ok, i'm not sure why that happens, but i bet if i thought about it for a bit i could figure it out. Radio waves move better in high pressure (anti-cyclonic weather apparantly) - I just googled it. Google is amazing. everyone should google everything. alright enough of that.

So yeah, being that i have a crapload of time in between classes, i usually try to log on to the wireless network in alumni hall. only they don't have a wireless network in alumni - i steal it from across the street outside the cathedral. It's kind of a stretch in the first place, so on crappy days, of low pressure, the signal doesn't quite make it over here. i can't grab those first two packets from the dhcp server to give me my ip. anyway, so being that it's a beautifuckingful day, it's working nicely. this makes me happy.

I've come to the realization that i need to settle the frick down. I've been hurridly trying to make my life go back to normal, and that's a bad idea. And in the process, i've been (unintentionally) messing with relationships and friendships and whatnot, and that's just not a good idea. I've been pushing the issue, and this is one issue you just can't push. Maybe you understand, and maybe you don't. You don't have to though- all i need to know, is that in order to be happy, i need to let things happen. i can't make them happen - hopefully they will, but if they don't right now, it's not a big deal. i'm supposed to be an annoyingly optimistic person, and i haven't really been all that lately. not saying that i haven't been happy, but i've been stressing myself out about "stuff" and i just need to chill. so that's what i'm going to do - go back to chillin. if any of you see me not chillin, you need to tell me to put my feet back up on that big couch of life, and "keep chillin". ya know, like samuel l. in pulp fiction telling "flock of seaguls" to chill. get back up there and wait to get shot in the chest. wait - no, just chill. no guns involved.


ok i'm done - mendy out

entertained yet sam? hahaha i sure hope so


Anonymous said...

yeah dude, just chill. it'll all work out. you just need to sit back and relax and enjoy the show. and by the show, i mean life. and by life, i mean life as a college student. the fun part of life as a college student.

simon in

Matt said...

haha, you know it buddy - i saw this incredibly attractive girl today wearing a shirt that said "talk nerdy to me." there is hope.

Actually, ^^ that isn't true. But i once saw a moderately attractive person wearing it on --- close enough right?

Anonymous said...

i'm proud of you mendy :-) hurray for the new chilled out you!

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