Wednesday, May 11, 2005

The one where mailboxes had B.O...

Yeah fo shizzle my dizzle, i shitizzle you notizle. Mailboxes smell really bad, as if they had B.O. Ya know, body odor. Um, like, humanly body odor.

I walked around stone road today, snuggling little fliers underneath the little red flag on the side of people's mailboxes. I did around 200 of them today, and more to follow tomorrow. It's advertisement for My Computer Guy, LLC. (I think the limited liability corporation part makes it look more prestigious) I'm pretty psyched about it. If someone makes an appointment that got the idea from the flyer, i get 10 bucks, and the business grows. So i'm pretty psyched about that. People gave me some pretty strange looks today though. Maybe the word "strange" is the wrong one... more like the "pissed off i'm putting shit in their mailbox that they're going to have to take out and throw away" look. Now, i didn't put it inside - that would be illegal, right tony? yeah, borderline though.

Have you ever noticed how the word SPEED and the word LIMIT both have the same number of letters in them, but on the speed limit sign, speed is so much longer than limit? Crazyness. just something I picked up on today.

I really miss school. Not so much the work and the "responsibility" but the actual place and the people. It's so much more entertaining than home. But - home is entertaining too - old friends and poker games and such. Maybe a baseball game on thursday - that could be fun. But i miss people from down there too.

Looks like the pendu-retreat is coming to rochester, ny baby. Details to follow.

I'm tired, so i'm going to take someone's implied advice, and go to bed. Catch ya later

~Carbonated water, high fructose corn syrup and/or sucrose, caramel color, phosphoric acid, natural flavors, caffeine.

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