Tuesday, September 13, 2005

early morning delight

"Now, I know what you're thinking. You're thinking you've gotta get a lotta sleep tonight. So when the buddies ask you to go play poker, you say 'yeah, I'll go' but you're only gunna stay for a few hands. But what actually ends up happening is that you play a few hands, and then a few more hands, and end up coming in a 4 in the morning. And then you gotta get up at 7 for work. But your wife likes early morning sex, so she wakes you up even earlier for that, so you don't get any sleep."

That's what I woke up to this morning on my radio, blaring at 7 am.

Stupid 8 am class.

Anyway, this past weekend, I had a party. It wasn't a bad party (we had 90 beers, we have 52 left, you do the math), and that was probably from dan playing beer pong the whole night. Sorry to bust your life's perfect record for beer pong eric, but it had to be done. it had to be done. I definitely wish more pendulums would have come - next time i have a party like that i'm planning it like 3 weeks in advance, and make them mark it down on their calendars or something.

I'm running out of time on several things. 1) Returning my iPod to apple to get a new battery put in because the class-action lawsuit requires that i do it by september 30. 2) Talk to someone at study abroad and see what options I have left at this point. 3) Well i'll be damned. I plum forgot what 3 was. I had it a second ago.

[beats head with a stick] damnit memory stop not working! My memory sucks. I can't remember anything. I really can't - i just had that thing i have to do in my head, and now it's gone. I'm even taking a memory suppliment to help me remember shit, but that doesn't seem to be working either. What the frick. Well anyway, that's just great. I'll let you know what #3 was if and when I ever figure out what that was.

I know not what weapons world war III will be fought with, but world war IV will be fought with sticks and stones
-albert einstein

(i like the italicized ending, simon)


Anonymous said...

the reason the memory suppliments aren't working is because it's crucial that you remember to take them in order for them to work! silly boy

Eric Richie said...

alright, we need to provide a little clarification on this beer pong issue, dan and I lost to you after we had been cleaning up for 4 straight games and drinking in between, you on the other hand were far too busy making out to drink and were therefore probably pretty sober, yeah I went there fucker!

Anonymous said...

i would have been at that party and you would down to probably 40 beers, so that would have been fun, also u better go abroad or i will beat you as u will regret it, and u know i'm right

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