Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Toronto Airport and missing people

Well we're here. Kind of - we're in the beautiful and majestic Toronto Airport diligently awaiting our flight. I wanted to leave a little later than my parents wanted me to, as well as everyone else at the dinner table last night, but I caved, and we're here, a full 4 or so hours ahead of the flight (it's 6:46, and our flight leaves at around 11 or so). Just for the record, the wait for customs was 15 minutes, in case anyone was wondering. We're just kind of sitting here, looking at the duty free store, and listening to the airport news channel showing on the flat panels above our heads. I am missing everyone so much already - this morning was a bit teary to say the least; I guess I'll just leave it at that - teary. These next weeks will be difficult on me and everyone else involved, especially Claire, but I'm confident that we can all make it - we love each other for pete sake! I think I should put this thing away for a bit, seeing as how the wireless is a bit spotty here, but the really good wireless is 10 bucks for a day. I suppose that's not really worth it -- we're stuck in this airport for a long time, but not quite a day. This is going to be so much fun, difficult on me as far as missing people, but so much fun! "We're on Vay-Kay!"

Love and miss you all --

PS: Our flight (BMI#109 from Hethrow) arrives in the amsterdam airport at 4:45 (local time), 10:45 (rochester time)

PSS: Quick edit before I go, (Edit means I added it later), but simon and I forgot to put tags on our bags, so I'm sure they'll get there alright, but we picked up some luggage tags while we were in the airport.... We got Canadian Flag luggage tags - no use risking the anti-american sentiment, right?

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