No, that's not true. Not true at all. Although it does remind me of my need to download that dane cook cd. And play it. In m car - for all to hear. But - in reference to the coconut, i have one now. I went to fairport canal days - (not root canal days - those are different days - i got confused) and i bought a pina (minus the little tilde above the n or the a- i can't remember) inside of a hollowed out coconut (way the hell too many parenthesis' in this sentence)
So now i have a coconut with a little umbrella sticking out of the top - so cool. Maybe i'll find another one and make a bra. maybe i won't - i said i was going to do that like 7 times yesterday - it even got annoying for me to hear it again.
My parents just told me i'm to give my room an overhaul tomorrow. I guess overhaul means taking out the crap i'm never going to miss anymore and putting it in the garbage. They're asking me to throw away my childhood! I can't believe they're doing this! Actually, i'm just more of a compulsive pack rat, who doesn't throw anything out for fear i'll need it in the future. Yeah - i'm going to need that rand mcnally streetfinder gps for the palm III that doesn't work anymore because i lost the power supply. Never can tell when i'm gunna need that again. Gheesh. And you never can tell when i'm going to need that broken pcmcia ethernet card that only works when you apply an eleborate system of yarn, duct tape, and extremly good luck. Never can tell...
So basically, after i go to delta sonic tomorrow morning, bright and early when there's no line and get my car defunkified, i'm heading back here, after going to target and picking up a bunch of boxes. I'm throwing my life into those boxes and stashing it away in the basement, where after 30 years i'm going to come back and say - damn, i'm certainly glad I saved that broken pcmcia ethernet card, cause by gosh, i'm really in the mood to try to get that thing work.
30 years... i wonder where I'll be. Probably running around doing pimp my pc like mr. hucko suggested I do. basically, his suggestion to me, would be to get a van, outfit it with a bunch of cool computer cases, and sweet cooling systems, and go door to door, pimping people's pcs. ya know - like xzibit. only less black. and everyone knows i'm so much cooler than xzibit anyway. all he does is pimp out cars - i pimp pc's.
~I steal music off the internet
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pimp my pc? effing hilarious. sounds like something my dad would say. i'm assuming that's who "mr. hucko" is. if not him, then tim. but yeah. definitely have to get the van.
..and under name you drew a picture of a monkey fucking a coconut. mr. monkeyfuckingacoconut? MFC, is that you sir? it's a monkey, could be a mellon, looks like a coconut..
we definitely listen to dane cook at work on friday, all of it, no one felt like doing work
and mendick please, refrain from the coconut bra, the picture of you in a newspaper was traumatic enough
oh, for those of you who have no idea what the whole MFC thing is about, or if you just want to hear it again, here's a link:
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