So - that night that i turned the tv on, and i got fuzz, was also the first time I had turned the tv on, since I had removed the VCR from above and placed it downstairs so that my sister could tape something that needed to be taped there. So if you are unfamiliar with the workings of a vcr, I will demonstrate for you:

How to set up a VCR

So! If you remove the device that connects the "implied connection" there will be no connection. So - the fact that I didn't get any reception on the television was simply because I disconnected it. So that's settled.
Last night, i went to simon's house to play a bit of poker and drink some... beer. That's right, I said it - I drink beer. Anyway, I lost at poker, which really wasn't the focus of the evening... Oh wait - yes it was. :-D Dude, your sauna rocks. We're coming over again. And getting hot and sweaty in your basement.
After which, I came back here with duncan to crash, as simon kicked us out. We took a tour of powder mills park, as I didn't remember how to get out exactly, and I figured that i should lead claire out instead of telling her horrible directions. So that was fun. We proceeded to turn on a fine cinematic choice. B & B if you will.
Me and duncan (duncan and I for all you english fuckers) proceeded to talk as men do (yeah, i dunno - that's what he said, i was just talking. whatever) I realized a lot of good things in that conversation, things that I hopefully will put to good use in the future months and such. If i don't, i'm stupid.
I have no idea what is happening today. My sister went to her prom last night - her and her date looked really good together, and he seemed like an alright guy - I did resist the urge to shove him into a closet and tell him "what's what" but i figured that since he was so timid around us, that he probably wouldn't do anything too stupid. Also, the fact that they were going to some indoor sports place afterwards (school sponsored after party....) where my parents were chaperoning made me feel a little better about that too.
I think I may update in the mornings now. Yeah, cause you care.
let's see here...
~Rand McNally New Revised Edition - Universal World Atlas
english fuckers....are applauding you everywhere...our mendick is finally growing up
indeed I second that, it's nice to see you actually catch yourself, like I said before, the internet thing wasn't a miracle, I was right of course, our school didn't even have an after party, guess they just expected us to all go out and have sex (although my date and I were the only ones sleeping in seperate beds that night...)
HAHA moron...its cool though, i too made a stupid mistake, my mom picked me up in HER car at my dad's house...and then later on I asked if laura took her car...duh...
oh yeah...mendick...i porked your sister...and if your sister reads this...then this guy I know, told me he porked your sister.
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