yeah, that's a lie. I'm not a tool. hahaha. but - i did buy a blogger shirt. it looks cool, and extremly geeky which is a line i like to walk. I think i'll actually draw out a line on my driveway with chalk, and write "geeky" on one side, and "cool" on the other. Then i'll walk it.
I'm having some people out to the cottage tonight. I'm actually a little scared something's going to get broken to be quite honest. But hopefully not.
I saw a lot of my family yesterday. That was fun - I haven't seen them in a long time, so of course, it was entertaining. My cousins couldn't stop fishing. That's all they wanted to do. They broke for like 2 min to wolf down a kabob, and went back out there. Crazy kids.
On friday night, i went to go play beer pong at my friend dave's appt on park ave. I love that appartment. It's so cool. And there's so much beer there. Claire and her bro came to play as well. His first night in rochester and playin beer pong! gotta love it. Claire's brother mike bought us beer for the next day as well. That whole experience was fun cause he was so excited about buying beer for underagers again.
speaking of the next day, there was a cookout at duncans that claire, her brother, and I attended. That was a good time, let me tell you. We drank the beer mike got us, as well as ate ribs that duncan bought from the public market. Great place by the way - 30 dollars gets you 3 racks of ribs. wow. duncan graham bayley and i all argued about how it they were supposed to be cooked, but in the end, duncan won. i guess he was the one with the magic tongs.
Then we saw the third star wars movie. I don't know whether it was just that i'm not that into starwars, or i was tired, but i snoozed for a good bit of that thing. the seats in the webster lowes are indeed comfy though - they acutally recline back! very cool. very ahead of their time.
aight, i have to run - gotta go get stuff set up.
~Ticket 0738 at the early bird special parking downtown
Monday, May 30, 2005
Friday, May 27, 2005
The one where he put his hand in a toilet...willingly...
So i went to apply the obligatory 7 squirts of cologne this morning, when as i took off the cap, it slipped out of my freshly washed hands, and onto the counter, where it then bounced off with great force, into the nearest toilet bowl. So - i decided instead of reaching in there and getting it, i'd forget about it till the afternoon, when i really had to pee, so then, crossing my legs, i put my hand in the (clean water filled- sorry to dissapoint) toilet bowl to grab the culprit. I got it - first try - no problem. I did feel icky for 15 minutes after though.
Tonight was the night i fell asleep at the wheel. No, that's not true - although it is a good song by the barenaked ladies that nobody has heard of. No, I'm not saying you haven't heard of the barenaked ladies, but i don't think you've heard of that song. It wasn't a hit, but I like it. But - back to the point of me being really tired, and almost falling asleep at the wheel on the way home tonight. I went to javas with claire, graham, bayley, emily, and sam showed up at the end too - I had a good time, reminininiscing and such. Then I saw pat, john cannon, and christen. Woah - blast from the past - slightly awkward... but still ok. They're def up there on my "cool people to stay in contact with" list.
Try it - I dare you. TRY to wipe the smile off my face. You can't. Ha - told you. Wow, that punch hurt. Still smiling. (sorry simon/rachel - didn't mean to steal the "still smiling" thing from you - it's not a direct quote - just simply a description)
Things didn't really change tonight, but they did. It's really like just sort of a natural progression, if you will. And let me tell you - when things are natural and progressive, it's "kick ass" all the way. I like it. I like it a lot. I don't want that to change. I don't think it will. I'm glad.
I feel bad when i lie. It's kind of like, i realize i'm only putting off the telling of the truth until sometime in the future when i think it's more convenient. But no time will ever be more convenient than the present. So - i think that if in the future, i plan to procrastinate the truth, i think i should just nip that in the bud, and tell the truth. I think it would do my conscience a whole lot of good, as well as my blog. Seeing as how until I tell the truth, i can't really be totally honest here either. sorry guys - you don't get a 30 second rule.
*borrowing from livejournal*
Current Mood: ecstatic.
Current Music: computer fan.
Current State: looking like i went to sleep with a hanger in my mouth :-D <----(the "D" is the hanger)
Tonight was the night i fell asleep at the wheel. No, that's not true - although it is a good song by the barenaked ladies that nobody has heard of. No, I'm not saying you haven't heard of the barenaked ladies, but i don't think you've heard of that song. It wasn't a hit, but I like it. But - back to the point of me being really tired, and almost falling asleep at the wheel on the way home tonight. I went to javas with claire, graham, bayley, emily, and sam showed up at the end too - I had a good time, reminininiscing and such. Then I saw pat, john cannon, and christen. Woah - blast from the past - slightly awkward... but still ok. They're def up there on my "cool people to stay in contact with" list.
Try it - I dare you. TRY to wipe the smile off my face. You can't. Ha - told you. Wow, that punch hurt. Still smiling. (sorry simon/rachel - didn't mean to steal the "still smiling" thing from you - it's not a direct quote - just simply a description)
Things didn't really change tonight, but they did. It's really like just sort of a natural progression, if you will. And let me tell you - when things are natural and progressive, it's "kick ass" all the way. I like it. I like it a lot. I don't want that to change. I don't think it will. I'm glad.
I feel bad when i lie. It's kind of like, i realize i'm only putting off the telling of the truth until sometime in the future when i think it's more convenient. But no time will ever be more convenient than the present. So - i think that if in the future, i plan to procrastinate the truth, i think i should just nip that in the bud, and tell the truth. I think it would do my conscience a whole lot of good, as well as my blog. Seeing as how until I tell the truth, i can't really be totally honest here either. sorry guys - you don't get a 30 second rule.
*borrowing from livejournal*
Current Mood: ecstatic.
Current Music: computer fan.
Current State: looking like i went to sleep with a hanger in my mouth :-D <----(the "D" is the hanger)
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
The one where he admitted a guilty pleasure....(double entry!)
Guilty pleasure #468:
Singing along to Sk8ter Boi by Avril Lavigne, full blast, and in full upper octaves driving fast all the way home, cause you just feel so damn good.
Singing along to Sk8ter Boi by Avril Lavigne, full blast, and in full upper octaves driving fast all the way home, cause you just feel so damn good.
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
The one where he has never wanted a computer to start up more in his life...
Actually - that's not true. Although it kind of is. There was that one time when i was fucking around with linux, and i coudln't get my computer to boot into anything past a cursor. That sucked.
But this time, the fucker woudln't even turn on. It was working fine - needed a new hard drive though, the old one was ready to go. So I imaged the drive (made a copy - yeah that's right, with a xerox machine too), and put the thing in the corner for a week. Pull it out today, it doesn't boot past the little "hp invent" screen. Then later, after i take it apart, and put it back together, it starts for a few min, and then craps out halfway through booting - like, craps out craps out. Like no juice. There's no calling scottie on this one. He's dead in the engine room. And our friend never turned on again. Thought the lady was going to be pissed, but she was cool with it. [in reference to her daughter who dropped it in the first place] "well, she's just not getting another one. oh well" lol, i guess oh well. stupid people dropping laptops. they aren't toys after all.
Kettle corn is like the coolest kind of popcorn. It has a mixture of sweet as well as salty, to bring your taste buds to a gentle simmer. And now, coming to your neighborhood, is boyscout kettle corn. You know it. had that for lunch today. Good stuff. I think it's bad for you though.
So I spent the entire day with this damn computer, but before that, i went to my mom's office where i got berated by her computer guy on the phone, talking in a lofty tone, and asking my mom if she "really wanted her son working on her office network" Fuck you man - i know my shit. You just messed it up when you came the first, and what's that, the second, AND third times, so instead of you coming and charging them insane amounts of money to fix what you broke, they asked someone trustworthy to help them out? Wow - dick.
And to think i almost wanted to ask this guy for an internship. Blow it out your ear.
Appologies for the angry post.
In other news, i'm happy, in every way possible :-D
But this time, the fucker woudln't even turn on. It was working fine - needed a new hard drive though, the old one was ready to go. So I imaged the drive (made a copy - yeah that's right, with a xerox machine too), and put the thing in the corner for a week. Pull it out today, it doesn't boot past the little "hp invent" screen. Then later, after i take it apart, and put it back together, it starts for a few min, and then craps out halfway through booting - like, craps out craps out. Like no juice. There's no calling scottie on this one. He's dead in the engine room. And our friend never turned on again. Thought the lady was going to be pissed, but she was cool with it. [in reference to her daughter who dropped it in the first place] "well, she's just not getting another one. oh well" lol, i guess oh well. stupid people dropping laptops. they aren't toys after all.
Kettle corn is like the coolest kind of popcorn. It has a mixture of sweet as well as salty, to bring your taste buds to a gentle simmer. And now, coming to your neighborhood, is boyscout kettle corn. You know it. had that for lunch today. Good stuff. I think it's bad for you though.
So I spent the entire day with this damn computer, but before that, i went to my mom's office where i got berated by her computer guy on the phone, talking in a lofty tone, and asking my mom if she "really wanted her son working on her office network" Fuck you man - i know my shit. You just messed it up when you came the first, and what's that, the second, AND third times, so instead of you coming and charging them insane amounts of money to fix what you broke, they asked someone trustworthy to help them out? Wow - dick.
And to think i almost wanted to ask this guy for an internship. Blow it out your ear.
Appologies for the angry post.
In other news, i'm happy, in every way possible :-D
Sunday, May 22, 2005
The one where "I think conan o'brian is funny"...
^^ That will explain the title. I mean, if you havne't seen the "you are lame" movie you won't understand that. aw crap, whatever - i'll go find it. hold on. oh right - here it is:
yeah, um, it's not working for me. oh well - in it, it said "you think conan o'brian is funny" implying that if you do, you are lame. anyway - he most certainly is in the above link. read it - and laugh. It's about the future of television. Seriously, read it.
in fact, i'm gunna play a little NOT PRON on your ass right now. Go read the article, and tell me how many years conan has been on tv. Then - when you figure that out, plug the number into this web address
There you will find the rest of this post.
oh man, this is gunna be great! See you there!
^^ That will explain the title. I mean, if you havne't seen the "you are lame" movie you won't understand that. aw crap, whatever - i'll go find it. hold on. oh right - here it is:
yeah, um, it's not working for me. oh well - in it, it said "you think conan o'brian is funny" implying that if you do, you are lame. anyway - he most certainly is in the above link. read it - and laugh. It's about the future of television. Seriously, read it.
in fact, i'm gunna play a little NOT PRON on your ass right now. Go read the article, and tell me how many years conan has been on tv. Then - when you figure that out, plug the number into this web address
There you will find the rest of this post.
oh man, this is gunna be great! See you there!
Saturday, May 21, 2005
The one where he wore a newspaper...
So I'm homeless now. If you want to find me, i'll be sitting in some park, with my computer on my lap, naked except for a newspaper.
I'm Kidding. I did, though, wear a newspaper last night. We were playing truth or dare jenga (actually "Tumbling Blocks" because jenga was 10 bucks, and "Tumbling Blocks" was 3... um - there's no contest here) at claire's "shindig," and one of the blocks that we authored was "run around the room wearing only a newspaper" So - When i pulled that block, I went into the bathroom, got naked, and dressed myself in a newspaper. That was extremly entertaining. I do have a picture of it thanks to claire, lol - but i'm not sure if i'm willing to show that to all of you.
It was really nice to meet all of claire's friends. They seem really cool - and funny when they've had a bit of alcohol, too.
I skipped my sister's regatta this morning. I had to be up at quarter to 6. I should have gone, and I wanted to go, but i think that would have put me at a grand total of 4 hours of sleep over 2 days, with of course, a little help from mr. red bull. It didn't give me wings, but it kept my eyes open. So i slept through my mom waking me up, so i didn't get a chance to go to that. But - june 4, and 5 is the pittsford regatta, so i'll definitely be there cheering my sister on.
The previous night simon rachel claire and i went to phillips european. Really great desserts. If you come visit rochester, there are things you have to do. Go eat a plate; go get a cup of coffee from javas; visit mendick; and eat a dessert from phillips european. I dunno if that's all true, but if i were visiting rochester, i'd go do that stuff.
Then we went and authored truth or dare jenga. Which you already know one of the dares. Which is fun. It's kind of like how on the back of the game, they would put an example of what one of the elements of the game might be. So on the back of this game, i'm going to write "Run around the room in only a newspaper!" and then we can market it. cool.
Does anyone else just eat tuna? Like, you make tunafish (with the mayo and such) and then instead of putting it on crackers, or a sandwich... you just bust out the fork and go to town? I think it's the most amazing thing. But i think it gives me indigestion, given the location of my blogging, as of right now.
And with that, it's time to end.
"During last period yesterday, the majority of the senior class assembled in the parking lot. Many of the students were cutting class to do so, directly violating provisions in the Conduct Code. The students were smoking cigars, and one group attempted to enter the building with their cigars lit. With five minutes left in the period, the remainder of the group entered the building and proceeded to yell and bang on doors and lockers. The group was confronted by the administration and told to heave the building immediately. Though some students did comply, a large number of students proceeded to the second floor. One of our library windows was shattered as a result."
~Second paragraph, Letter to Senior Parents, dated May 23, 2003
I'm Kidding. I did, though, wear a newspaper last night. We were playing truth or dare jenga (actually "Tumbling Blocks" because jenga was 10 bucks, and "Tumbling Blocks" was 3... um - there's no contest here) at claire's "shindig," and one of the blocks that we authored was "run around the room wearing only a newspaper" So - When i pulled that block, I went into the bathroom, got naked, and dressed myself in a newspaper. That was extremly entertaining. I do have a picture of it thanks to claire, lol - but i'm not sure if i'm willing to show that to all of you.
It was really nice to meet all of claire's friends. They seem really cool - and funny when they've had a bit of alcohol, too.
I skipped my sister's regatta this morning. I had to be up at quarter to 6. I should have gone, and I wanted to go, but i think that would have put me at a grand total of 4 hours of sleep over 2 days, with of course, a little help from mr. red bull. It didn't give me wings, but it kept my eyes open. So i slept through my mom waking me up, so i didn't get a chance to go to that. But - june 4, and 5 is the pittsford regatta, so i'll definitely be there cheering my sister on.
The previous night simon rachel claire and i went to phillips european. Really great desserts. If you come visit rochester, there are things you have to do. Go eat a plate; go get a cup of coffee from javas; visit mendick; and eat a dessert from phillips european. I dunno if that's all true, but if i were visiting rochester, i'd go do that stuff.
Then we went and authored truth or dare jenga. Which you already know one of the dares. Which is fun. It's kind of like how on the back of the game, they would put an example of what one of the elements of the game might be. So on the back of this game, i'm going to write "Run around the room in only a newspaper!" and then we can market it. cool.
Does anyone else just eat tuna? Like, you make tunafish (with the mayo and such) and then instead of putting it on crackers, or a sandwich... you just bust out the fork and go to town? I think it's the most amazing thing. But i think it gives me indigestion, given the location of my blogging, as of right now.
And with that, it's time to end.
"During last period yesterday, the majority of the senior class assembled in the parking lot. Many of the students were cutting class to do so, directly violating provisions in the Conduct Code. The students were smoking cigars, and one group attempted to enter the building with their cigars lit. With five minutes left in the period, the remainder of the group entered the building and proceeded to yell and bang on doors and lockers. The group was confronted by the administration and told to heave the building immediately. Though some students did comply, a large number of students proceeded to the second floor. One of our library windows was shattered as a result."
~Second paragraph, Letter to Senior Parents, dated May 23, 2003
Thursday, May 19, 2005
The one where he went to work...
"Ding dong, ding dong, ding dong, ding dongggggggg - Hey - Let's go to work! [who the fuck are you?!]"
Sorry - it's a remix of song from a longgggg time ago. Ahh to be young again. Are you kidding? Being young sucked - I like being "semi young" but "semi grown up" - it's a good age. 19's nice.
I went to work today (hence the song) - public abstract baby. I did everything. I scanned (most of the day) which is pretty much just keeping a record of all the crap they're about to destroy. I stood in line (for like 10 min in the beginning of the day). I like the clerks - they're funny - and they were happy to see me. The one guy i'm working with who is also summer help, andy, was told he's not supposed to make friends with the clerks. He actually looked down on me when i told him that we were friends. Look buddy - i'm the law around here, and I'll do what i please. No, i'm kidding - but in all seriousness, it's pretty difficult not to become friends with the people you see and work with every day, if they're not complete jerks.
I also filed. Which was fun. You understand what filing is. You put shit in order. nuff said.
I also won 10 dollars today. Go instant scratch off tickets. I found 4 words!
I just got back from going to java's with claire. That was a lot of fun. We played the java's game and won - i saw matt crawford, as well as two of amanda's friend's from UB. They were a lot happier to see me than i kind of thought they'd be. But jon and cory are cool guys anyway, so i knew they wouldn't hold a grudge. We also played the "do i look like that guy that works here" game - but i lost at that one apparantly, becuase I do not look like the guy who works there. Don't ask why i thought he did. I just did. We talked about many things unbeknownst to you, because um, you weren't there, mo fo so why should I divulge that precious information to you, the non-javas goer, this evening? Even the most brilliant answer will not grant you access, so there. :-p
But now, it's 1:11, and um, i can't believe i'm going to sleep. But i really am tired - i fell asleep already tonight. What a pussy.
~Mendy: What it means to be from mendon.
~Mendy: The other, other, other white meat.
~Mendy: He's a bad mother fucker.
Pick your favorite ending.
Sorry - it's a remix of song from a longgggg time ago. Ahh to be young again. Are you kidding? Being young sucked - I like being "semi young" but "semi grown up" - it's a good age. 19's nice.
I went to work today (hence the song) - public abstract baby. I did everything. I scanned (most of the day) which is pretty much just keeping a record of all the crap they're about to destroy. I stood in line (for like 10 min in the beginning of the day). I like the clerks - they're funny - and they were happy to see me. The one guy i'm working with who is also summer help, andy, was told he's not supposed to make friends with the clerks. He actually looked down on me when i told him that we were friends. Look buddy - i'm the law around here, and I'll do what i please. No, i'm kidding - but in all seriousness, it's pretty difficult not to become friends with the people you see and work with every day, if they're not complete jerks.
I also filed. Which was fun. You understand what filing is. You put shit in order. nuff said.
I also won 10 dollars today. Go instant scratch off tickets. I found 4 words!
I just got back from going to java's with claire. That was a lot of fun. We played the java's game and won - i saw matt crawford, as well as two of amanda's friend's from UB. They were a lot happier to see me than i kind of thought they'd be. But jon and cory are cool guys anyway, so i knew they wouldn't hold a grudge. We also played the "do i look like that guy that works here" game - but i lost at that one apparantly, becuase I do not look like the guy who works there. Don't ask why i thought he did. I just did. We talked about many things unbeknownst to you, because um, you weren't there, mo fo so why should I divulge that precious information to you, the non-javas goer, this evening? Even the most brilliant answer will not grant you access, so there. :-p
But now, it's 1:11, and um, i can't believe i'm going to sleep. But i really am tired - i fell asleep already tonight. What a pussy.
~Mendy: What it means to be from mendon.
~Mendy: The other, other, other white meat.
~Mendy: He's a bad mother fucker.
Pick your favorite ending.
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
The one where he was so happy, he could just shit...
Hahaha, I bought a shot glass. It says "I'm so happy, I could just shit" on it. If you know me, you will think this is very entertaining, because I tend to divulge when I'm doing this act quite frequently. I mean, I divulge that i'm doing it, not that i do it quite frequently. Although, sometimes that sodexho food...
I played poker last night and lost. That's ok, because claire won - haha, i'm sure it was quite the boost for her poker self-esetem because she had never played before, so winning on your first try has gotta be pretty hot. Then we watched "without a paddle" which should have been titled "without a brain" because it was so stupid. But that's ok, becuase it's fun to watch a movie and "laugh at it, not with it" right? haha ;-D
Simon and I just visited meredith - we picked her up for lunch - man it's good to see her. We ended up going to Nick Tahou's which was fabulous! Woah, sorry for the gay there. Um, anyway, I've never been to Tahou's so it was quite the experience. I ate my entire plate. Simon and Mere didn't finish theirs. Pansys.
Allison keeps iming me - rather, her virus keeps iming me. She's got an aim virus. It's fucking annoying. So i sent her a link to fix it.
Woah, brian just called me. I'm wiping a computer. Should be fun. I should use this as my opportunity to create a boot disk. Wait, crap. Stupid microsoft. They don't want me making copies of their software and giving it to people! What a drag.
I start working at public abstract tomorrow. you know what that means. I have to either find a dress shirt that I can wear that doesn't have really long sleeves which "makes me look like a dick," or I have to go shopping. I think I might want to go shopping. Could be fun. I haven't been shopping in a long time. Who wants to go shopping with me?
While you sit at your computer and wait for my next post, go to read the "worst foods to eat over a keyboard" article linked in my profile. Very good life lesson right there, my friend.
~Philip G. Judge, S.J.
I played poker last night and lost. That's ok, because claire won - haha, i'm sure it was quite the boost for her poker self-esetem because she had never played before, so winning on your first try has gotta be pretty hot. Then we watched "without a paddle" which should have been titled "without a brain" because it was so stupid. But that's ok, becuase it's fun to watch a movie and "laugh at it, not with it" right? haha ;-D
Simon and I just visited meredith - we picked her up for lunch - man it's good to see her. We ended up going to Nick Tahou's which was fabulous! Woah, sorry for the gay there. Um, anyway, I've never been to Tahou's so it was quite the experience. I ate my entire plate. Simon and Mere didn't finish theirs. Pansys.
Allison keeps iming me - rather, her virus keeps iming me. She's got an aim virus. It's fucking annoying. So i sent her a link to fix it.
Woah, brian just called me. I'm wiping a computer. Should be fun. I should use this as my opportunity to create a boot disk. Wait, crap. Stupid microsoft. They don't want me making copies of their software and giving it to people! What a drag.
I start working at public abstract tomorrow. you know what that means. I have to either find a dress shirt that I can wear that doesn't have really long sleeves which "makes me look like a dick," or I have to go shopping. I think I might want to go shopping. Could be fun. I haven't been shopping in a long time. Who wants to go shopping with me?
While you sit at your computer and wait for my next post, go to read the "worst foods to eat over a keyboard" article linked in my profile. Very good life lesson right there, my friend.
~Philip G. Judge, S.J.
Monday, May 16, 2005
The one where he "brought his green hat!"...
You know that line from old school, where will farrel is "gunna go streaking!" and he runs through snoop dog's concert? And as he's naked and trying to get snoop to come with him, he tells snoop's right hand man to "bring your green hat"? Yeah, well I was that guy yesterday, as I was wearing a green hat. Not quite like his, but definitely green, and fuzzy.
(I went to the lilac festival yesterday, and because the wind was really bad, and i needed a hat, I decided to buy one from those vendor dudes - I was almost going to get a boa too, but i figured that the monstrosity on my head was enough)
We listened to the "east rochester all-stars" - i guess one of rachel's former teachers was a member - he played bass. They were good. Although the most entertaining part of that, was the old dudes dancing down in front. He fell down once, but kept on truckin. The sad part is, he's probably a better dancer than I am. The other shirtless and short-short wearing old dude with the killer tan, and the santa-like beard was pretty humorous as well.
Do not lick anti-viral tissues. Unless of course, you are inquisive, and want to see what all the fuss is about. They're a bit bitter, and kind of sour.... and have dots on them for no apparent reason. Also - do not attempt to get someone else to lick a tissue against their will. It will just make them uncomfortable and think you're trying to get them to do drugs or something.
Being that I was exhausted from the other night, I fell asleep on the couch at 8:30 and woke up at 11:30. I proceeded to be WIRED until about 3:30. That was fun. Late night TV is usually pretty entertaining, except on sunday nights. It's absofuckinglutly horrible.
And here I am, unable to speak because each morning, I lose my voice. Like clockwork. Except you can't tell time to my voice being gone. That'd be so cool if you could though.
~Tony's compaq 1024 monitor
(I went to the lilac festival yesterday, and because the wind was really bad, and i needed a hat, I decided to buy one from those vendor dudes - I was almost going to get a boa too, but i figured that the monstrosity on my head was enough)
We listened to the "east rochester all-stars" - i guess one of rachel's former teachers was a member - he played bass. They were good. Although the most entertaining part of that, was the old dudes dancing down in front. He fell down once, but kept on truckin. The sad part is, he's probably a better dancer than I am. The other shirtless and short-short wearing old dude with the killer tan, and the santa-like beard was pretty humorous as well.
Do not lick anti-viral tissues. Unless of course, you are inquisive, and want to see what all the fuss is about. They're a bit bitter, and kind of sour.... and have dots on them for no apparent reason. Also - do not attempt to get someone else to lick a tissue against their will. It will just make them uncomfortable and think you're trying to get them to do drugs or something.
Being that I was exhausted from the other night, I fell asleep on the couch at 8:30 and woke up at 11:30. I proceeded to be WIRED until about 3:30. That was fun. Late night TV is usually pretty entertaining, except on sunday nights. It's absofuckinglutly horrible.
And here I am, unable to speak because each morning, I lose my voice. Like clockwork. Except you can't tell time to my voice being gone. That'd be so cool if you could though.
~Tony's compaq 1024 monitor
Sunday, May 15, 2005
The one where it wasn't a miracle after all...
Yeah, so I am a complete moron. Ok, given that you know of the cable tv / roadrunner internet miracle, I will continue with my explanation of why it is not a miracle, and how I am an idiot.
So - that night that i turned the tv on, and i got fuzz, was also the first time I had turned the tv on, since I had removed the VCR from above and placed it downstairs so that my sister could tape something that needed to be taped there. So if you are unfamiliar with the workings of a vcr, I will demonstrate for you:

How to set up a VCR
So! If you remove the device that connects the "implied connection" there will be no connection. So - the fact that I didn't get any reception on the television was simply because I disconnected it. So that's settled.
Last night, i went to simon's house to play a bit of poker and drink some... beer. That's right, I said it - I drink beer. Anyway, I lost at poker, which really wasn't the focus of the evening... Oh wait - yes it was. :-D Dude, your sauna rocks. We're coming over again. And getting hot and sweaty in your basement.
After which, I came back here with duncan to crash, as simon kicked us out. We took a tour of powder mills park, as I didn't remember how to get out exactly, and I figured that i should lead claire out instead of telling her horrible directions. So that was fun. We proceeded to turn on a fine cinematic choice. B & B if you will.
Me and duncan (duncan and I for all you english fuckers) proceeded to talk as men do (yeah, i dunno - that's what he said, i was just talking. whatever) I realized a lot of good things in that conversation, things that I hopefully will put to good use in the future months and such. If i don't, i'm stupid.
I have no idea what is happening today. My sister went to her prom last night - her and her date looked really good together, and he seemed like an alright guy - I did resist the urge to shove him into a closet and tell him "what's what" but i figured that since he was so timid around us, that he probably wouldn't do anything too stupid. Also, the fact that they were going to some indoor sports place afterwards (school sponsored after party....) where my parents were chaperoning made me feel a little better about that too.
I think I may update in the mornings now. Yeah, cause you care.
let's see here...
~Rand McNally New Revised Edition - Universal World Atlas
So - that night that i turned the tv on, and i got fuzz, was also the first time I had turned the tv on, since I had removed the VCR from above and placed it downstairs so that my sister could tape something that needed to be taped there. So if you are unfamiliar with the workings of a vcr, I will demonstrate for you:

How to set up a VCR

So! If you remove the device that connects the "implied connection" there will be no connection. So - the fact that I didn't get any reception on the television was simply because I disconnected it. So that's settled.
Last night, i went to simon's house to play a bit of poker and drink some... beer. That's right, I said it - I drink beer. Anyway, I lost at poker, which really wasn't the focus of the evening... Oh wait - yes it was. :-D Dude, your sauna rocks. We're coming over again. And getting hot and sweaty in your basement.
After which, I came back here with duncan to crash, as simon kicked us out. We took a tour of powder mills park, as I didn't remember how to get out exactly, and I figured that i should lead claire out instead of telling her horrible directions. So that was fun. We proceeded to turn on a fine cinematic choice. B & B if you will.
Me and duncan (duncan and I for all you english fuckers) proceeded to talk as men do (yeah, i dunno - that's what he said, i was just talking. whatever) I realized a lot of good things in that conversation, things that I hopefully will put to good use in the future months and such. If i don't, i'm stupid.
I have no idea what is happening today. My sister went to her prom last night - her and her date looked really good together, and he seemed like an alright guy - I did resist the urge to shove him into a closet and tell him "what's what" but i figured that since he was so timid around us, that he probably wouldn't do anything too stupid. Also, the fact that they were going to some indoor sports place afterwards (school sponsored after party....) where my parents were chaperoning made me feel a little better about that too.
I think I may update in the mornings now. Yeah, cause you care.
let's see here...
~Rand McNally New Revised Edition - Universal World Atlas
Saturday, May 14, 2005
The one with the "Friday the 13th Miracle"...
Currently, I am witnessing a miracle. It's raining like a mo-fo out there, and the cable tv is out. Ok, no big deal - conan is covered in snow. But, my internet comes over the cable lines.... and the cable's out.... Now, i don't care what you say, this has never happened before, nor will it ever again, therefore, it's a miracle.
In other news, I have a steady job again. Public abstract called my mom back (yeah, kind of cheap getting my mom involved with the whole thing, but they deal with her anyway, so why not for this too?) and said hey, yeah, we'll take him for 3 days a week. So i start wednesday. I also have to tell brian i can't do shit for him during the day w-f, but that's ok - he needs as much as he can get.
So standing in line once again for me. Maybe i'll have more responsibility this year. Maybe not. I wouldn't mind if i didn't. Or if i did.
I called the sunglass hut today (before i found out about public abstract) and asked them if they had had a chance to look over my application. The guy that was leaving, and opening the position for others, apparantly found a place to live. That's such a bullshit reason. Seriously, i think she's got that written on a piece of paper - "If applicant calls, read this load of shit:" wow, bitter about something that doesn't even matter?
C.T.F.O. mendick - (chill the fuck out)
Good call, board of directors of my life :-D
Current mood: chilling, i promise
(woah, stole that)
~"I'll take the 50/50 regis"
"Sorry mendick 50/50 does not exist in the cell phone version of millionaire"
"50/50 sucked anyway regis"
"yes it did"
"50/50 has always, and will forever, suck balls. nobody likes the 50/50"
In other news, I have a steady job again. Public abstract called my mom back (yeah, kind of cheap getting my mom involved with the whole thing, but they deal with her anyway, so why not for this too?) and said hey, yeah, we'll take him for 3 days a week. So i start wednesday. I also have to tell brian i can't do shit for him during the day w-f, but that's ok - he needs as much as he can get.
So standing in line once again for me. Maybe i'll have more responsibility this year. Maybe not. I wouldn't mind if i didn't. Or if i did.
I called the sunglass hut today (before i found out about public abstract) and asked them if they had had a chance to look over my application. The guy that was leaving, and opening the position for others, apparantly found a place to live. That's such a bullshit reason. Seriously, i think she's got that written on a piece of paper - "If applicant calls, read this load of shit:" wow, bitter about something that doesn't even matter?
C.T.F.O. mendick - (chill the fuck out)
Good call, board of directors of my life :-D
Current mood: chilling, i promise
(woah, stole that)
~"I'll take the 50/50 regis"
"Sorry mendick 50/50 does not exist in the cell phone version of millionaire"
"50/50 sucked anyway regis"
"yes it did"
"50/50 has always, and will forever, suck balls. nobody likes the 50/50"
Friday, May 13, 2005
The one where he was inspired by lyrics...
Not really - I just wanted to share with you some of my favorite lyrics, from one of the greatest ska covered songs ever
[normal ska]
By By miss American pie
I drove my chevy to the levy
But the levy was dry
And good old boys are drinking whiskey and rye
Singing 'This will be the day that I die'
This will be the day that I die.
[Fast Rock style]
By By miss American pie
I drove my chevy to the levy
But the levy was dry
And good old boys are drinking whiskey and rye
Singing 'This will be the day that I die'
This will be the day that I die.
[Back to original ska]
By By miss American pie
I drove my chevy to the levy
But the levy was dry
And good old boys are drinking whiskey and rye
Singing 'This will be the day that I die'
This will be the day that I die.
[Rock again, only this time in triplets]
By By miss American pie
I drove my chevy to the levy
But the levy was dry
And good old boys are drinking whiskey and rye
Singing 'This will be the day that I die'
This will be the day that I die.
[**melody instrumental, ska normal**]
[fast Rock once again]
By By miss American pie
I drove my chevy to the levy
But the levy was dry
And good old boys are drinking whiskey and rye
Singing 'This will be the day that I die'
This will be the day that I die.
1, 2, 1, 2, 1-2-3-4
[Ska, one last time]
By By miss American pie
I drove my chevy to the levy
But the levy was dry
And good old boys are drinking whiskey and rye
Singing 'This will be the day that I die'
This will be the day that I die.
And now, I just realized that the people that wrote the lyrics on the website that i copied from (i didn't feel like typing them out) decided to spell "bye" minus the "e". The world is full of morons. I must be included in this list of morons for copying and pasting the same lyrics 5 times.
And for not correcting the "by" / "bye" error even after noticing it.
I'm really missing pitt again - here's the part that gets me the most:
Before i left, a lot of the mornings, i would wake up and feel kind of giddy - like, "hm, i dunno what's going to happen today, but i bet it's going to be good." but i don't get that anymore. all i feel is tired, and like i'm forgetting something i have to be doing. see at school, i knew what i had to do, and chose not to do it. now, i want to do this stuff, but i just can't remember what it is exactly i have to do - be it cleaning things up, or calling people (still haven't called the sunglass hut back) or other assorted tasks. I need a "to do" list during the summer, and not during school? wtf is wrong with me?
I want it to go back to the way it was, with the people i was with, with things growing the way they were. Whine whine whine. Stop bitching, matt.
In other news, we had an offical "balls cold" alert, as reported by the NWS (or the National Weather Service). Which made going to the red wings game, although a great time, quite the chilling endevour.
Wow, this was one long ass post. Maybe it wouldn't have been so long if i didn't put the lyrics in. Maybe.
~Made in Hungary -- Warranty void if any label/screw is removed or broken
[normal ska]
By By miss American pie
I drove my chevy to the levy
But the levy was dry
And good old boys are drinking whiskey and rye
Singing 'This will be the day that I die'
This will be the day that I die.
[Fast Rock style]
By By miss American pie
I drove my chevy to the levy
But the levy was dry
And good old boys are drinking whiskey and rye
Singing 'This will be the day that I die'
This will be the day that I die.
[Back to original ska]
By By miss American pie
I drove my chevy to the levy
But the levy was dry
And good old boys are drinking whiskey and rye
Singing 'This will be the day that I die'
This will be the day that I die.
[Rock again, only this time in triplets]
By By miss American pie
I drove my chevy to the levy
But the levy was dry
And good old boys are drinking whiskey and rye
Singing 'This will be the day that I die'
This will be the day that I die.
[**melody instrumental, ska normal**]
[fast Rock once again]
By By miss American pie
I drove my chevy to the levy
But the levy was dry
And good old boys are drinking whiskey and rye
Singing 'This will be the day that I die'
This will be the day that I die.
1, 2, 1, 2, 1-2-3-4
[Ska, one last time]
By By miss American pie
I drove my chevy to the levy
But the levy was dry
And good old boys are drinking whiskey and rye
Singing 'This will be the day that I die'
This will be the day that I die.
And now, I just realized that the people that wrote the lyrics on the website that i copied from (i didn't feel like typing them out) decided to spell "bye" minus the "e". The world is full of morons. I must be included in this list of morons for copying and pasting the same lyrics 5 times.
And for not correcting the "by" / "bye" error even after noticing it.
I'm really missing pitt again - here's the part that gets me the most:
Before i left, a lot of the mornings, i would wake up and feel kind of giddy - like, "hm, i dunno what's going to happen today, but i bet it's going to be good." but i don't get that anymore. all i feel is tired, and like i'm forgetting something i have to be doing. see at school, i knew what i had to do, and chose not to do it. now, i want to do this stuff, but i just can't remember what it is exactly i have to do - be it cleaning things up, or calling people (still haven't called the sunglass hut back) or other assorted tasks. I need a "to do" list during the summer, and not during school? wtf is wrong with me?
I want it to go back to the way it was, with the people i was with, with things growing the way they were. Whine whine whine. Stop bitching, matt.
In other news, we had an offical "balls cold" alert, as reported by the NWS (or the National Weather Service). Which made going to the red wings game, although a great time, quite the chilling endevour.
Wow, this was one long ass post. Maybe it wouldn't have been so long if i didn't put the lyrics in. Maybe.
~Made in Hungary -- Warranty void if any label/screw is removed or broken
Thursday, May 12, 2005
The one where he witnessed an atrocity...
Yeah, atrocity's probably spelled wrong, but i don't care. I was sitting at a stop light at 2:15 in the morning at the corner of Kraig and route 96, and the light was about to turn green for me. The cop, who was speeding profusely in a 30 zone, came bustin on in, right through the now red light for him, and into bushnells basin. No lights, no nothing. Sheesh. I wish I could do that. Just a few minutes before that, my radar was going ape shiznizzle in the village of pittsford, over nothing - This really isn't about anything, sorry to dissapoint.
Now i'm eating rasinets and drinking a red bull before i go to bed. How smart is that? I've got some stuff to do, but who needs to be up for another 3 hours because I all of a sudden grew a set of wings? Get it? Ya know, like from the red bull commercial. It'll give you win.. ok, you get it? Really? You've seen that commercial? Now, based on that commercial, how likely would you say you are to buy red bull in the future? Very likely, probably likely, somewhat likely, not likely at all? Have any of your friends talked about that commercial? Based on that, how likely would you say your friends are to buy red bull? Very likely, probably likely, somewhat likely, not likely at all? Thanks for your time.
(I took a phone survey today for movies - They asked me questions about the movies and previews that i've seen, and what my friends have talked about and such. Hence the crazyness above.
You know what i'm excited about? Today, someone thought I was cool enough to send me an email, pretending to be ebay, and asking me for my credit card and account information. So, because they were so nice about it, and so obviously horrible at phishing (the act of sending email under the guise of someone legit, asking for personal / financial information), that I actually sent them my credit card number. Ya know, the one for the pnc bank account that has 4 dollars in it. So they can go absolutely wild with that.
I'm kidding, i didn't send them my shit. But i did laugh at how horrible the email was. They didn't even use pictures!
Goodnight and i'll see you in my dreams - that's right... you ;)
~Serving Size 1 Can
Now i'm eating rasinets and drinking a red bull before i go to bed. How smart is that? I've got some stuff to do, but who needs to be up for another 3 hours because I all of a sudden grew a set of wings? Get it? Ya know, like from the red bull commercial. It'll give you win.. ok, you get it? Really? You've seen that commercial? Now, based on that commercial, how likely would you say you are to buy red bull in the future? Very likely, probably likely, somewhat likely, not likely at all? Have any of your friends talked about that commercial? Based on that, how likely would you say your friends are to buy red bull? Very likely, probably likely, somewhat likely, not likely at all? Thanks for your time.
(I took a phone survey today for movies - They asked me questions about the movies and previews that i've seen, and what my friends have talked about and such. Hence the crazyness above.
You know what i'm excited about? Today, someone thought I was cool enough to send me an email, pretending to be ebay, and asking me for my credit card and account information. So, because they were so nice about it, and so obviously horrible at phishing (the act of sending email under the guise of someone legit, asking for personal / financial information), that I actually sent them my credit card number. Ya know, the one for the pnc bank account that has 4 dollars in it. So they can go absolutely wild with that.
I'm kidding, i didn't send them my shit. But i did laugh at how horrible the email was. They didn't even use pictures!
Goodnight and i'll see you in my dreams - that's right... you ;)
~Serving Size 1 Can
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
The one where mailboxes had B.O...
Yeah fo shizzle my dizzle, i shitizzle you notizle. Mailboxes smell really bad, as if they had B.O. Ya know, body odor. Um, like, humanly body odor.
I walked around stone road today, snuggling little fliers underneath the little red flag on the side of people's mailboxes. I did around 200 of them today, and more to follow tomorrow. It's advertisement for My Computer Guy, LLC. (I think the limited liability corporation part makes it look more prestigious) I'm pretty psyched about it. If someone makes an appointment that got the idea from the flyer, i get 10 bucks, and the business grows. So i'm pretty psyched about that. People gave me some pretty strange looks today though. Maybe the word "strange" is the wrong one... more like the "pissed off i'm putting shit in their mailbox that they're going to have to take out and throw away" look. Now, i didn't put it inside - that would be illegal, right tony? yeah, borderline though.
Have you ever noticed how the word SPEED and the word LIMIT both have the same number of letters in them, but on the speed limit sign, speed is so much longer than limit? Crazyness. just something I picked up on today.
I really miss school. Not so much the work and the "responsibility" but the actual place and the people. It's so much more entertaining than home. But - home is entertaining too - old friends and poker games and such. Maybe a baseball game on thursday - that could be fun. But i miss people from down there too.
Looks like the pendu-retreat is coming to rochester, ny baby. Details to follow.
I'm tired, so i'm going to take someone's implied advice, and go to bed. Catch ya later
~Carbonated water, high fructose corn syrup and/or sucrose, caramel color, phosphoric acid, natural flavors, caffeine.
I walked around stone road today, snuggling little fliers underneath the little red flag on the side of people's mailboxes. I did around 200 of them today, and more to follow tomorrow. It's advertisement for My Computer Guy, LLC. (I think the limited liability corporation part makes it look more prestigious) I'm pretty psyched about it. If someone makes an appointment that got the idea from the flyer, i get 10 bucks, and the business grows. So i'm pretty psyched about that. People gave me some pretty strange looks today though. Maybe the word "strange" is the wrong one... more like the "pissed off i'm putting shit in their mailbox that they're going to have to take out and throw away" look. Now, i didn't put it inside - that would be illegal, right tony? yeah, borderline though.
Have you ever noticed how the word SPEED and the word LIMIT both have the same number of letters in them, but on the speed limit sign, speed is so much longer than limit? Crazyness. just something I picked up on today.
I really miss school. Not so much the work and the "responsibility" but the actual place and the people. It's so much more entertaining than home. But - home is entertaining too - old friends and poker games and such. Maybe a baseball game on thursday - that could be fun. But i miss people from down there too.
Looks like the pendu-retreat is coming to rochester, ny baby. Details to follow.
I'm tired, so i'm going to take someone's implied advice, and go to bed. Catch ya later
~Carbonated water, high fructose corn syrup and/or sucrose, caramel color, phosphoric acid, natural flavors, caffeine.
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
The one where he got a job...
Yeah, so it's not like a retail job or something solid, but i'm def working for brian again this summer. I'm gunna fix computers and such, which will be cool. Plus, it's flexible, which is what i really want. I'm also gunna plaster neighborhoods with little fliers advertising for it. Which is cool. I get 10 bucks every time someone uses him to got a flier.
To figure all this out, I went to lunch at this new restaurant, Camille's, on park and berkley. Hot place, btw - they serve up sandwiches and such, and really good at that. Great location, and really nice looking inside. So if you're in the rochester area and you want to grab a bit to eat.... check that shiznit out. Plus, the guy who runs / owns it is a friend of brian's from h.s. (go mcq entrepreneurship)
Just got back from playing a bit of poker. I lost 15 bucks, but that's ok - I was up at the beginning every freaking game, but then i decided to not do anything right and lose it all in the end. Caught a couple of lucky breaks though. Anyway, it was a good time, and it was good to see evan, jurt and ester - as well as katie.
So i'm tired. Got my grade report in the mail today - yeah, um, it says everything that the online version said. I'm really not all that sure why they even send these out anymore. The university knows that 99.99 percent of their students check their grades online anyway. I think it's for like the .01 who are foreign, and only know the internet insofar as courseweb and working the webmail (which, um, I still can't do...I'm just that inept at using that damn portal)
So back to being tired -- that generally means i'm going to bed soon. Which is a good idea. I have a busy day of hiding fliers in non-illegal places of people's mailboxes tomorrow. Could be fun. Could get wet in the "isolated thunderstorms...." WAIT- they dissapeared! Cool. Weather forecasters suck. It's probably gunna pour the whole time tomorrow. Oh well - anyway, good night to everyone.
To figure all this out, I went to lunch at this new restaurant, Camille's, on park and berkley. Hot place, btw - they serve up sandwiches and such, and really good at that. Great location, and really nice looking inside. So if you're in the rochester area and you want to grab a bit to eat.... check that shiznit out. Plus, the guy who runs / owns it is a friend of brian's from h.s. (go mcq entrepreneurship)
Just got back from playing a bit of poker. I lost 15 bucks, but that's ok - I was up at the beginning every freaking game, but then i decided to not do anything right and lose it all in the end. Caught a couple of lucky breaks though. Anyway, it was a good time, and it was good to see evan, jurt and ester - as well as katie.
So i'm tired. Got my grade report in the mail today - yeah, um, it says everything that the online version said. I'm really not all that sure why they even send these out anymore. The university knows that 99.99 percent of their students check their grades online anyway. I think it's for like the .01 who are foreign, and only know the internet insofar as courseweb and working the webmail (which, um, I still can't do...I'm just that inept at using that damn portal)
So back to being tired -- that generally means i'm going to bed soon. Which is a good idea. I have a busy day of hiding fliers in non-illegal places of people's mailboxes tomorrow. Could be fun. Could get wet in the "isolated thunderstorms...." WAIT- they dissapeared! Cool. Weather forecasters suck. It's probably gunna pour the whole time tomorrow. Oh well - anyway, good night to everyone.
Monday, May 09, 2005
The one where he celebrated mother's day...
Mother's day was nice today. Nice sunshine and such. I did a lot of mothers day related stuff and such, but not really noteworthy and probably doesn't need to be written down here.
My dad can't figure out how they build that house in 7 days like that. You know, Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. He says it can't be done. I say it has to be. ya know, whatever - i think they do it. They have a lot of help, but they do it. Lots of that house is prefab anyway, they just have to put it together and put shit inside it.
I was glad to get a phone call today, it really lightened my spirits and such. I love getting phone calls. *grin*
And i'm lazy and going to stop here. Sorry to dissapoint, but i'm tired, and really don't feel like typing anymore. And i have nothing of merit to say. Except for the stuff i already said. Which had merit. Which is why I said it. oh god just hit "publish post."
My dad can't figure out how they build that house in 7 days like that. You know, Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. He says it can't be done. I say it has to be. ya know, whatever - i think they do it. They have a lot of help, but they do it. Lots of that house is prefab anyway, they just have to put it together and put shit inside it.
I was glad to get a phone call today, it really lightened my spirits and such. I love getting phone calls. *grin*
And i'm lazy and going to stop here. Sorry to dissapoint, but i'm tired, and really don't feel like typing anymore. And i have nothing of merit to say. Except for the stuff i already said. Which had merit. Which is why I said it. oh god just hit "publish post."
Saturday, May 07, 2005
The one where he had a blast from the past...
So I sit down to watch "moving out", a musical, which was really kind of a ballet, using only billy joel songs (it was awesome, btw), and guess who sits down right next to me? My first and third grade teacher! (same person, 2 grades) She was so surprised to see me, and I her - it was pretty freaking cool. She hasn't changed a bit, but of course I have a bit since i was like 6 or so. It was really good to see her and reminise (sp? yeah, i'm just that lazy that I will write a sentence about how I don't know how it's spelled, but I can't "" it) about stuff from the past. As I looked around, I also saw this one girl I had this giant crush on in middle school - I won't name any names, but that certainly brought back memories as well. Nothing like being awkward in 8th grade sitting in front of your crush, passing papers back to her, and trying to be "cool" about it. I was so uncool it's not even funny. Anyway, who cares - i'm so cool now, it's not even funny.
Today I did laundry. A lot of laundry. Like my mom told me she wasn't sure she's ever seen that many clothes in the same washer ever before. It took like an hour and a half to get them all dry too. Not very efficient. I still have more to do, but it can wait till next week, where I still have no idea what i'm doing for a job, and therefore will have time leftover. Please call me back, sunglass hut. Woah, I started posting at 11:11. How cool. Is there something you can do at 11:11 like some people do at 4:20? Should i stick 4 fingers in the air? Whooh! [sticking 4 fingers up] "What are you doing matt?" "oh nothing, just celebrating 11 11." That'll be the day.
By the way, moving out was really good. Those dancers, man. Basically, the whole thing is just billy joel songs, with this band playing the whole time, and people dancing below. The dude that played piano/did lead vocals was so good. Sounded just like him.
Anyway, it's almost time for snl / me falling asleep during snl. So i'm gunna go now.
Goodnight Moon.
Today I did laundry. A lot of laundry. Like my mom told me she wasn't sure she's ever seen that many clothes in the same washer ever before. It took like an hour and a half to get them all dry too. Not very efficient. I still have more to do, but it can wait till next week, where I still have no idea what i'm doing for a job, and therefore will have time leftover. Please call me back, sunglass hut. Woah, I started posting at 11:11. How cool. Is there something you can do at 11:11 like some people do at 4:20? Should i stick 4 fingers in the air? Whooh! [sticking 4 fingers up] "What are you doing matt?" "oh nothing, just celebrating 11 11." That'll be the day.
By the way, moving out was really good. Those dancers, man. Basically, the whole thing is just billy joel songs, with this band playing the whole time, and people dancing below. The dude that played piano/did lead vocals was so good. Sounded just like him.
Anyway, it's almost time for snl / me falling asleep during snl. So i'm gunna go now.
Goodnight Moon.
The one where he discovered...
That driving at the speed limit at night, while listening to jack johnson, is incredibly soothing. I was driving back from java's, where I met sam for a bit of catching up and such, and so i flipped on the cruise control, set it to 60, and went on home. I listened to the smooth tunes of mr. johnson, and went. Changing langes felt cooler, flipping the brights on felt cooler, even putting the brakes on was just so damn cool.
What the hell is wrong with me.
Hm... So what else? I paced around my house pretending to do laundry, and then when my sister called me for lunch, I took that exit. I took simon's advice and had a salad. It's good, and good for you! It was a good salad, but it was also good to hang out and chat with the sis again.
Then I went to visit sarah at rite-aid. Won't be seeing her for a bit, so i figured i'd go say goodbye. After spending a half hour trying to find the right rite-aid, I finally did - (i played a little practical joke on her with the phones - i thought it was amusing) Then we had to go pick up a pizza. Apparantly, they ordered for this one place, but when sarah got there to pick it up, they were closed for lunch. What kind of restaurant closes for lunch!?
I returned home, and then went out for dinner at the great wahls of tom with the rents, then to The Interpreter - which is, btw, a good movie - I enjoyed it at least.
Then everything was fine. Nothing was ruined. So happy for ya. ;-D you know what i'm talking about
This post was quite the "what did you do today hunny" post, but they all can't be winners. Some have to lose. Some have to come in 3rd. Some have to fall on their face halway through the race. What? I haven't the slightest clue.
~MC Hawking, Out
What the hell is wrong with me.
Hm... So what else? I paced around my house pretending to do laundry, and then when my sister called me for lunch, I took that exit. I took simon's advice and had a salad. It's good, and good for you! It was a good salad, but it was also good to hang out and chat with the sis again.
Then I went to visit sarah at rite-aid. Won't be seeing her for a bit, so i figured i'd go say goodbye. After spending a half hour trying to find the right rite-aid, I finally did - (i played a little practical joke on her with the phones - i thought it was amusing) Then we had to go pick up a pizza. Apparantly, they ordered for this one place, but when sarah got there to pick it up, they were closed for lunch. What kind of restaurant closes for lunch!?
I returned home, and then went out for dinner at the great wahls of tom with the rents, then to The Interpreter - which is, btw, a good movie - I enjoyed it at least.
Then everything was fine. Nothing was ruined. So happy for ya. ;-D you know what i'm talking about
This post was quite the "what did you do today hunny" post, but they all can't be winners. Some have to lose. Some have to come in 3rd. Some have to fall on their face halway through the race. What? I haven't the slightest clue.
~MC Hawking, Out
Friday, May 06, 2005
The one where he realized he doesn't live in a college dorm anymore...
Yeah, so I think that I can talk about this without pissing tony off, for once. Realization #457 that I am not living in a college dorm at this time:
You cannot just flush whatever you please down a toilet, anymore.
Yeah, that's right. I needed to use the plummer's golden tool: The plunger. Now, i realize that I just used 2 colons in one entry, but they were most definitely necessary - besides, how else would you have set up what Realization #457 was? Yeah, that's right. Didn't think so. Now this wasn't any big undertaking, ya know - unclogging my toilet, but it was still a realization for me. The high powered flow of a commercial throne is just not there! One must rely on the laws of gravity for "matter expulsion" from the bowl of goodness. What the hell! Everyone should have one of those high power goodies that just whisk away anything you throw at it!
(For those who care, this "problem" was not realized because of the junker plates, guaranteed)
Today I did (almost) absofuckinglutely nothing. I went to my grandparents to fix their email account issue (two internet companies, 4 email addresses, and doesn't have a freaking phone number).
Then several hours passed, and I found myself sitting at dinner with Sarah, Claire, and sarah's dad, THE PROV. Now, I'll tell you - that was one hell of a meal. That guy just cracks me up. He got mad at her when she belched loudly at the table. I normally don't get upset, but I can see why he got a little peeved - i think she did it just to piss him off, so that makes it both funny, and ok by me.
Went home, hung out for a bit with the rents and sister, then went to go hang out with sarah and claire a bit more. Movie night was fun - a little kettle corn, a little buttered corn, a little dodge ball - all made for a good time.
Now i'm back, and just realized that the majority of my post had to do with a toilet.
~mendy out - no tony, not like that, i'm just leaving, get it? it's a joke.
You cannot just flush whatever you please down a toilet, anymore.
Yeah, that's right. I needed to use the plummer's golden tool: The plunger. Now, i realize that I just used 2 colons in one entry, but they were most definitely necessary - besides, how else would you have set up what Realization #457 was? Yeah, that's right. Didn't think so. Now this wasn't any big undertaking, ya know - unclogging my toilet, but it was still a realization for me. The high powered flow of a commercial throne is just not there! One must rely on the laws of gravity for "matter expulsion" from the bowl of goodness. What the hell! Everyone should have one of those high power goodies that just whisk away anything you throw at it!
(For those who care, this "problem" was not realized because of the junker plates, guaranteed)
Today I did (almost) absofuckinglutely nothing. I went to my grandparents to fix their email account issue (two internet companies, 4 email addresses, and doesn't have a freaking phone number).
Then several hours passed, and I found myself sitting at dinner with Sarah, Claire, and sarah's dad, THE PROV. Now, I'll tell you - that was one hell of a meal. That guy just cracks me up. He got mad at her when she belched loudly at the table. I normally don't get upset, but I can see why he got a little peeved - i think she did it just to piss him off, so that makes it both funny, and ok by me.
Went home, hung out for a bit with the rents and sister, then went to go hang out with sarah and claire a bit more. Movie night was fun - a little kettle corn, a little buttered corn, a little dodge ball - all made for a good time.
Now i'm back, and just realized that the majority of my post had to do with a toilet.
~mendy out - no tony, not like that, i'm just leaving, get it? it's a joke.
Thursday, May 05, 2005
The one where ate two junker plates in the same day...
Yeah, so after I went to my mom's office for a few minutes, I was like "hm... I've got some time - i should go home and watch house m.d. and eat a junker plate." So i got the plate, went home, and ended up watching other random shit, cause house wasn't done -- oh well -- but so yeah, I ate that. It was goodddd, oh so good. Not a real "plate" i guess, but my stomach can't tell the difference, so it loved every indigestable bit of it. Oh man, i'm tired. sorry, just had to tell you that. Anyway, so after i ate the junker plate, i went and got my hair cut - but not before watching DOUBLE DARE 2000, and LEGENDS OF THE HIDDEN TEMPLE, where a few of the prizes on the two shows were super nintendo games, and moon shoes. One other funny prize that i saw was this:
The announcer is like real quiet in saying the first part: "A 50 dollar savings bond." And then continues by saying, "given by melody pops!!!" Oh man, i was like, a candy company donated a savings bond? I mean, a savings bond is a good prize for these kids, but it was so funny how quiet they said they actual prize, and then the really loud "MELODY POPS!!!" Anyway, so that was what I did before my haircut.
I haven't been to get a haircut in like two months. man i just wanna say how tired i am. oh man. anyway sorry - It was such a cool experience to get it cut again. She did a good job - didn't take too much off, so i'm still sporting the longer hair, which i'm digging lately. I haven't been back to my "Normal Stylist" in like half a year, so it was good to go back in there. I know you don't care who i get my hair done - odds are, i care about what it looks like 8000 times more than you do.
So i went home, finally to watch house, which finished downloading. It was a good episode, you should watch next week (tuesday nights 9 pm, fox) - Then, my mom called. "Matt, i'm going to tom wahls, what do you want me to get you for dinner?" "um... how about a junker plaatee...." So she brought that home, and I ate that with an amstel light. My sister flipped when she saw I had been drinking a beer. I'm like, "whaaaaaat??? It's one beer!" Wow, i'm really tired.
So after i hung out for a while, sarah picked me up again and we went to javas. It proved to be quite the experience once again. Gotta love hanging out with sarah and claire. Of course, more information got divulged to them - claire really wanted me to finish telling her what things got told during the imfamous "never have I ever" game. So i did. of course - no resistance whatsoever.
*yawn, yawn, yawn*
Not me - this entry.
So here I am falling asleep, watching some weird girl perform on the set of jimmy kimmel in her underwear. I'm trying to figure out wtf is going on, but i think I'll never know. And I'm ok with that.
Ok, so unless you missed it, i'm really tired, so i'm going to bed. What is it about rochester that makes me tired at such an early hour? I don't get it.
Good night - There are entirely too many spaces in between paragraphs in this entry.
~matt ;)
The announcer is like real quiet in saying the first part: "A 50 dollar savings bond." And then continues by saying, "given by melody pops!!!" Oh man, i was like, a candy company donated a savings bond? I mean, a savings bond is a good prize for these kids, but it was so funny how quiet they said they actual prize, and then the really loud "MELODY POPS!!!" Anyway, so that was what I did before my haircut.
I haven't been to get a haircut in like two months. man i just wanna say how tired i am. oh man. anyway sorry - It was such a cool experience to get it cut again. She did a good job - didn't take too much off, so i'm still sporting the longer hair, which i'm digging lately. I haven't been back to my "Normal Stylist" in like half a year, so it was good to go back in there. I know you don't care who i get my hair done - odds are, i care about what it looks like 8000 times more than you do.
So i went home, finally to watch house, which finished downloading. It was a good episode, you should watch next week (tuesday nights 9 pm, fox) - Then, my mom called. "Matt, i'm going to tom wahls, what do you want me to get you for dinner?" "um... how about a junker plaatee...." So she brought that home, and I ate that with an amstel light. My sister flipped when she saw I had been drinking a beer. I'm like, "whaaaaaat??? It's one beer!" Wow, i'm really tired.
So after i hung out for a while, sarah picked me up again and we went to javas. It proved to be quite the experience once again. Gotta love hanging out with sarah and claire. Of course, more information got divulged to them - claire really wanted me to finish telling her what things got told during the imfamous "never have I ever" game. So i did. of course - no resistance whatsoever.
*yawn, yawn, yawn*
Not me - this entry.
So here I am falling asleep, watching some weird girl perform on the set of jimmy kimmel in her underwear. I'm trying to figure out wtf is going on, but i think I'll never know. And I'm ok with that.
Ok, so unless you missed it, i'm really tired, so i'm going to bed. What is it about rochester that makes me tired at such an early hour? I don't get it.
Good night - There are entirely too many spaces in between paragraphs in this entry.
~matt ;)
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
The one where he got the urge to ride the superman, ride of steel...
Currently, I'm watching Jimmy Kimmel Live. He was interviewing this kid from the show lost - he's like 12 and is currently living in a condo in hawaii. But he'll be moving into a house soon though. *phew* that's good - wouldn't want to be living in a condo in hawaii the rest of your life. Anyway, onto the ride of steel thing. He said that he was looking forward to going to six flags, and to ride the superman ride, because he's tall enough to ride now. I mean, odds are, the superman ride he's talking about is the one that shoots these people down a track like a bullet, and then it makes a sharp turn vertical, and let's them drop weightless for a few seconds. It sounds hot - but the superman i'm talking about is just a normal roller coaster, but it's like 10x cooler than any other one i've been on. It's fast, and it makes you weightless, and oh man - when they turn those misters on, the water droplets hit your face like you're flying through a cloud, JUST LIKE SUPERMAN!
[*little kid moment over*]
I went to the mall today and grabbed an application at the sunglass hut. I guess they really need someone at the marketplace store - that'd really be hot. Sunglasses are hot. Getting paid is hot. Getting paid, selling sunglasses would be cool.
Let it be known, that the previous statements i just made reminded me of a george carlin quote with respect to prostitution:
"I don't get it. Selling is legal. Fucking is legal. Why isn't selling fucking legal?"
I also watched 3 straight episodes of the o.c. today - I've really been slacking off lately. They've also been really good lately. And by really good, I mean really messed up. Everyone seems to be wanting to screw everyone else -- mothers, daughters, fathers, grandfathers, surrogate sons, surrogate brothers, sisters -- OH MY GOD, what messed up writers. I love it.
Mr. MozillaFirefoxWeatherExtention tells me that it's not going to rain for the next few days, so it's ok to wash my car. I think that's what I'll do tomorrow. Wow, i'm boring - everyone reading right now, slap yourself for making it this far.
~Deputy Governor Danforth
[*little kid moment over*]
I went to the mall today and grabbed an application at the sunglass hut. I guess they really need someone at the marketplace store - that'd really be hot. Sunglasses are hot. Getting paid is hot. Getting paid, selling sunglasses would be cool.
Let it be known, that the previous statements i just made reminded me of a george carlin quote with respect to prostitution:
"I don't get it. Selling is legal. Fucking is legal. Why isn't selling fucking legal?"
I also watched 3 straight episodes of the o.c. today - I've really been slacking off lately. They've also been really good lately. And by really good, I mean really messed up. Everyone seems to be wanting to screw everyone else -- mothers, daughters, fathers, grandfathers, surrogate sons, surrogate brothers, sisters -- OH MY GOD, what messed up writers. I love it.
Mr. MozillaFirefoxWeatherExtention tells me that it's not going to rain for the next few days, so it's ok to wash my car. I think that's what I'll do tomorrow. Wow, i'm boring - everyone reading right now, slap yourself for making it this far.
~Deputy Governor Danforth
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
The one where he lost...
I lost at the java's game today. You know, the game where when you go to java's, if you see someone you know that you didn't know was going to be there, you win. Well, i lost. I saw people that I knew were going to be there, but thats all. I went with Sarah and Claire, and leah and her two friends from highschool met up with us too. Christina and Mo. They seemed really cool - glad we all talked instead of it being like two separate conversations. They now know more about me than I think was prudent for my first introduction, but that's becoming my calling card lately. Divulging lots of dirty information about myself. It's actually fun - you should try it. I love javas so much. I should go back there again tomorrow.
I've got pill mouth - This weird taste that I get in my mouth about 2 hours after I take my antibiodics. Today's the last day I take them, so no more of that. It's kind of like the bitter aftertaste that you get from coffee, but much stronger, and it doesn't go away with toothpaste.
The first day back from pgh was kind of interesting. I figured out that some banks do close at 4 o'clock here - like mine. I had no idea. Well, at least monday through wednesday. I guess that can wait until tomorrow. I'm really kind of sad that I haven't heard from a few people from pitt that I was kind of hoping i'd still have contact with this summer. Maybe they don't get online as much at home as they do at school. Maybe they hate me. Haha, maybe not - but it's sucky nonetheless. Oh well, I guess i'll live.. or something.
I'm so bored, that I'm at the dlink website trying to find out if i can use my router as a "bridge" to increase the access quality inside my house. Wow, call me a dork but is that what any of you do at 12:15 at night? No? Didn't think so. I'm a dork.
Goodnight - i'm going to bed now. Screw this post. It's sucking major "cajones!"
stop at the shop, the stereo shop.
I've got pill mouth - This weird taste that I get in my mouth about 2 hours after I take my antibiodics. Today's the last day I take them, so no more of that. It's kind of like the bitter aftertaste that you get from coffee, but much stronger, and it doesn't go away with toothpaste.
The first day back from pgh was kind of interesting. I figured out that some banks do close at 4 o'clock here - like mine. I had no idea. Well, at least monday through wednesday. I guess that can wait until tomorrow. I'm really kind of sad that I haven't heard from a few people from pitt that I was kind of hoping i'd still have contact with this summer. Maybe they don't get online as much at home as they do at school. Maybe they hate me. Haha, maybe not - but it's sucky nonetheless. Oh well, I guess i'll live.. or something.
I'm so bored, that I'm at the dlink website trying to find out if i can use my router as a "bridge" to increase the access quality inside my house. Wow, call me a dork but is that what any of you do at 12:15 at night? No? Didn't think so. I'm a dork.
Goodnight - i'm going to bed now. Screw this post. It's sucking major "cajones!"
stop at the shop, the stereo shop.
Sunday, May 01, 2005
The one where he blogged from schenley park...
Yeah, um, haha. I thought i wasn't going to post anymore from pgh, but apparantly, I was wrong. I moved out at like 11 o'clock today, and decided to drive around and find some place to chill till lunch. Me and my thorougly packed car are chillin at shenley park, where apparantly, outside their gift shop is free wireless. I knew this because of the giant "FREE WIRELESS" sign displayed outside on the corner. I think after i'm done chilling on the internet for a few minutes, I may head inside and check out what's going on in there. Maybe pick up a momento or two of pittsburgh. Maybe not - it's a park gift shop. How cool could it be?
It's a really nice day, and righth above phipps, i can see the cathedral poking it's head out. It's a mad house down there in oakland, given that it's graduation day. None of you are graduating, so a good luck wish would be out of the question for this paragraph. As I drove down forbes ave, I looked over at pamelas restaurant. Oh man, the people outside there waiting for a place to sit is incredible. Granted there are like 50 people outside, and they'll all get in within like 10 min, given the speedy service inside, but still - that's a lot of people.
The little weather thingy at the bottom of my screen should read "Sunny, and Windy enough to blow your monitor back and forth so that you can't read what you're typing" So with that, I'm gunna hop back into the car where I can enjoy the sunshine without being blown away. Peace out pittsburgh. I've been saying the "peace out" thingy a lot lately. How did I get sucked into that? "double-U dot eeee dot."
Gone fishin'
It's a really nice day, and righth above phipps, i can see the cathedral poking it's head out. It's a mad house down there in oakland, given that it's graduation day. None of you are graduating, so a good luck wish would be out of the question for this paragraph. As I drove down forbes ave, I looked over at pamelas restaurant. Oh man, the people outside there waiting for a place to sit is incredible. Granted there are like 50 people outside, and they'll all get in within like 10 min, given the speedy service inside, but still - that's a lot of people.
The little weather thingy at the bottom of my screen should read "Sunny, and Windy enough to blow your monitor back and forth so that you can't read what you're typing" So with that, I'm gunna hop back into the car where I can enjoy the sunshine without being blown away. Peace out pittsburgh. I've been saying the "peace out" thingy a lot lately. How did I get sucked into that? "double-U dot eeee dot."
Gone fishin'
The one where he spent his last night in pittsburgh...for a while...
It's 3:18. I'm sitting at my computer, in a bare room, with the flourescent lights shining down on my hat covered head. My hair is greasy from the sweating i did earlier, loading my life back into my car. It's always kind of funny to see everything that's important to you shoved in the backseat of a vehicle (which I might add, bottoms out a whole lot more often at the moment...) I still have a few things to shove back in there - a broken monitor with the sign "System Report: Everything is fine. Nothing is ruined. [OK]" on it, a christmas tree with lead coating, 2 standup lamps, my computer, my bedspread.. um that may have to get trashed - not quite enough room.... maybe. And a red and white umbrella. Can't freaking forget the umbrella. Oh, and a decomposing orange trapped in a plastic pumpkin covered in duct tape. The bet: What color will it be when we crack it open next semester?
Aside from that, I'm just trying to be complacent with my life. Things are changing - going home, not being at pitt, these of course coming hand in hand. Things will be fun at home though, maybe have some rockin parties at the cottage. Maybe some people will come visit me... and maybe I'll come visit people in their respective home towns. I've got it - Take a week off, and like travel the east coast. Hit up all the cool cities - Pittsburgh, Scranton, some-town-where-eric-lives-that-I-can-never-remember, maybe allentown.... Could be cool. The job will be different - or at least, I hope it'll be different. Maybe I'll work for brian and then do some other job part time. That'd be hot. Full time at public and then doing mycomputerguy crap was a whole lot of work. I came back to school to relax this year.
Here's to rest and relaxation during the break from school! *clang ching clang*
Good night everyone - have safe trips back, and have an awesome summer too.
The Mendizzle.
Aside from that, I'm just trying to be complacent with my life. Things are changing - going home, not being at pitt, these of course coming hand in hand. Things will be fun at home though, maybe have some rockin parties at the cottage. Maybe some people will come visit me... and maybe I'll come visit people in their respective home towns. I've got it - Take a week off, and like travel the east coast. Hit up all the cool cities - Pittsburgh, Scranton, some-town-where-eric-lives-that-I-can-never-remember, maybe allentown.... Could be cool. The job will be different - or at least, I hope it'll be different. Maybe I'll work for brian and then do some other job part time. That'd be hot. Full time at public and then doing mycomputerguy crap was a whole lot of work. I came back to school to relax this year.
Here's to rest and relaxation during the break from school! *clang ching clang*
Good night everyone - have safe trips back, and have an awesome summer too.
The Mendizzle.
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