Sunday, April 24, 2005

The one where he fell asleep during pirates of silicon valley...

Pirates? Silicon Valley? You know that spells quality fun and entertainment. (It's a movie... kind of a documentary... of the story of apple and microsoft) If that's not like, cool, I don't know what is. Anyway, we watched that last night, and I freaking fell asleep after 30 min. Right on my desk chair. Which, I might add, is extremely comfortable when positioned just right.

Now onto the reason why i was so tired - The pends had a concert in fredonia yesterday - 3 hours up, and 3 hous down, with some singing in between. Now, in defense of this trip the saturday before finals: I wasn't going to study anyway, plus, it was another opportunity to sing, and it was also a lot of fun. But, man, was it tiring. When I got back, i took a nap! Can you believe it? I took a nap! Naps are fun, by the way.

I do appologize for the lack of a post yesterday, but I guess it's really not that big of a deal. Friday was the last day of classes - and boy, once it hits you that there is no more "school" this year, it really hits you. It's a breath of fresh air, a sigh of relief. Making it even better, tony sarah, marilyn and I went to pf changs for dinner. That was quite the experience - good food and good company. I even turned sarah on to lettuce ;) After this trip to the h2o front, we hit up the coldstone creamery, which I had never been to. Ohh wow. Amazing ice cream. Although, it was funny that it took me a good 15 min to figure out why it is called cold stone.

After that, i got ken's email that he was having a party, so we all, while adding dave, paul, and eric, made the trek over to his apartment. Now there were some good times there. We played kings for a majority of the time, and that damn 8 card kept coming up. apparantly, when the 8 came up, you're supposed to play "never had i ever" until no one has done whatever was said. All i'm going to say, is that those present decided to unleash their worst on me, educating everyone present to some of my... less desirable to be known... past. Anyway - enough said on the topic. Not only did I have to drink all those times when they said something that I had done, but every time marilyn drank, so did I, as she so craftfully designed the rule that when she drank, so did I. Mannnn - 6 for chicks, and mendick too!

And, as I did for my freshman seminar in composition class, I'm just going to not write a conclusion. And, as tony so astutely noted, by not writing a conclusion for this blog entry, I am indeed writing a conclusion in that act of not writing a conclusion. Man, that one fucks with your brain like "a critique of a verbal critique, of a critique of a verbal critique, of a critique, of a critique."

Good night Irene.


Eric Richie said...

at least you weren't snoring...

Anonymous said...

now hold on.

you only "turned me on to lettuce" in a very specific context...let's not get carried away and think i'm all of a sudden gonna start ordering salads on a regular basis or something!

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