Wednesday, March 23, 2005

The one where he shortened it up...

Alright, so I've been told that I should post more often, and post less. So I'll give it a try.

So today was beeeautiful. In case you weren't aware of that.

I went to the IS lab today, to do something, and guess what we had to do. Install linux, and set up a server. Mannnn, I've downloaded 5 linux distro's over the past week, and none of them have worked. So now I had to do it for a grade?? No worries, it wasn't quite as difficult as I just made it out to be... although we did kind of mess the whole thing up for the next group.... Oh well, that's what "G", as we affectionatly call him (our romanian ... and smelly... IS ta), is for - if we mess something up horribly, he can fix it. He really is a nice guy... just needs a bath.

So then I came back here and did nothing.... I promised Dee (the coffee shop lady) a lance armstrong bracelet, but forgot to bring it down to her - she's a nice lady. Makes a damn good mocha.

I have never wanted to get out of social problems so bad in my life. Something about that class tonight (which is normally extremely interesting) just bugged the heck out of me. I had a headache, and we just kept rehashing the same damn thing over and over again.

Then to pends practice, which was extremely entertaining - although I perpetuated the headache problem... I think it was the room. I also forgot the lyrics to a song. That was a good time. I really should learn those.

Just watched House M.D. Wow - thanks nikki for suggesting it btw, cause that is a really good show. I've only seen 2 episodes, but they both have been pretty good. House is amazingly funny. So dry, so "Cox" and so "becker" at the same time.

And now i'm updating and chatting on the internet.

Until tomorrow where I try to make the post shorter yet (cause I just realized it's still freaking long)....

Seacrest out!

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