Thursday, March 31, 2005
The one where he posted from his info sci class...
Anyway, the pendulums (the a cappella group i'm in) it's going down to cmu this weekend for a concert on saturday night. at 8:00 at cmu in the connan room apparantly. should be really cool.
anyway, i've got a stomach bug at the moment, which is kinda crappy - it's just like the one i had over spring break which was equally as crappy. If you know what happened over spring break you know why i keep using that word : crappy.
Today was another absofuckingbeautiful day. like 73 degrees, sunny - it looked like it was going to rain again, but it didn't - maybe tonight.
I'm pullin off the tie and sandals look again today - i used to say it was for good luck on a test, but i'm doing it randomly at the moment.
I've inserted a lot of spaces in today's post, so as to keep it more visually pleasing, hope that's workin out for you.
Last night, i listened to a shitload of new music, all recommended by rachel - thanks for my update on modern music ;)
New artests (and old ones revisited):
Ben Harper
Peter Gabriel
listened to both of them last night- wow, i didn't know ben harper's music very well - it's very good, you should try it - check out "walk away" as was suggested to me.
anyway, gunna go pay attention again
peace out homies
Wednesday, March 30, 2005
The one where he posted from the apple store...
In other news, i'm exfreakingcited about theh pends. 1st of all, I've been like, talking with a whole bunch more of them, which is like the reason i joined in the first place, and 2nd, we've got like 2 concerts coming up. at cmu on saturday, which is gunna be sweet, singin with the originals, and our own concert on the 8th - G24 of the cathedral. slightly lackluster setting, but the beautiful sounds being emitted from our mouths will make up for it. Thanks to you guys that tried to bust some ass up there at the office that deals with doling out rooms and such - you gave it your best, that lady was just a bitch. Anyway, i'm outahere - gunna play on the pretty mac a bit more
[currently geekgasming from this amazing keyboard...]
Monday, March 28, 2005
The one with cockeater prime...
Last night I had an incredible breakthrough with the completed installation of xsupplicant, the mother of all pains in my ass over the past few weeks. Props to eric for handing me the RH9 cd's, so installing it was virtually impossible to ignore. looks like i needed that new kernel (thanks blondie) so installing rh9 worked.
Anyway, so the point is, i'm freaking excited that this thing might be working - i've been working on it for a while, and it's been really friggin disspointing up till this point. I know paul and dave are excited about cockeater', and tony is loving this whole linux thing, so hey - anyway.
Given short post restraints i'll stop, but i've got some other crap to talk about, so i'll talk about that tomorrow - remind me. or something....
Sunday, March 27, 2005
The one where that guy rose...
We're gunna go to church with them this morning - which should be very interesting - I've never been, and what better time than on Easter to experience it right? Plus, we made him sit through Easter Vigil last year, which was, very cool for me, but I don't think Tony really got the jist of what a Catholic mass is really about... But that's ok.
Shorter postings? Sure - I'll end it here - not that anyone is reading it, but that's ok.
Happy Easter everyone! :)
Friday, March 25, 2005
The one where he got sucked up by a game...
Some people who have tried not pron have said the following:
"well I know what will be taking up my time for the next few days" ~nikki
"That was a dumb one - how were we supposed to get that?" ~peter
Well anyway - some of them are so incredibly hard it's tough to believe someone actually figured them out without help. BUT regardless - it's a good time.
just check out to start!
In other news, I have a hole in the knee of my pants, and I'm really pissed off about it.
I have so many other things to say, but apparantly my posts are too long - so I'll leave it there
cockeater prime's father
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
The one where he did geometry in a bathroom...


Yeah- so post your answers - I'm probably wrong (btw, it's all messed up because that's how it was on the wall - maybe a little more difficult than if it was a perfect hexagon - maybe i'm just a moron)
Anyway, I'd like to finish with some song lyrics. Cause that's the "in" thing to do now isn't it?
but seriously - download this song - it makes me shiver every time i listen to it.
These white pills aren't kind
I've given a lot of thought on this 13-hour drive
I miss the grinding concrete where we sat past 8 or 9
And slowly finished laughing in the glow of our headlights
I've given a lot of thought to the nights we use to have
The days have come and gone
Our lives went by so fast
I faintly remember breathing on your bedroom floor
Where i laid and told you, but you sweared you loved me more
Do you care if i don't know what to say
Will you sleep tonight or will you think of me
Will i shake this off pretend its all okay
That there's someone out there who feels just like me
There is
Those notes you wrote me
I've kept them all
I've given a lot of thought of how to write you back this fall
With every single letter in every single word
There will be a hidden message about a boy that
loves a girl
Do you care if i don't know what to say
Will you sleep tonight or will you think of me
Will i shake this off, pretend its all okay
that there's someone out there who feels just like me
There is
Do you care if i don't know what to say?
Will you sleep tonight or will you think of me
Will i shake this off, pretend its all okay
That there's someone out there who feels just like me
Do you care if i don't know what to say?
Will you sleep tonight or will you think of me
Will i shake this off, pretend its all okay
That there's someone out there who feels just like me
There is
The one where he shortened it up...
So today was beeeautiful. In case you weren't aware of that.
I went to the IS lab today, to do something, and guess what we had to do. Install linux, and set up a server. Mannnn, I've downloaded 5 linux distro's over the past week, and none of them have worked. So now I had to do it for a grade?? No worries, it wasn't quite as difficult as I just made it out to be... although we did kind of mess the whole thing up for the next group.... Oh well, that's what "G", as we affectionatly call him (our romanian ... and smelly... IS ta), is for - if we mess something up horribly, he can fix it. He really is a nice guy... just needs a bath.
So then I came back here and did nothing.... I promised Dee (the coffee shop lady) a lance armstrong bracelet, but forgot to bring it down to her - she's a nice lady. Makes a damn good mocha.
I have never wanted to get out of social problems so bad in my life. Something about that class tonight (which is normally extremely interesting) just bugged the heck out of me. I had a headache, and we just kept rehashing the same damn thing over and over again.
Then to pends practice, which was extremely entertaining - although I perpetuated the headache problem... I think it was the room. I also forgot the lyrics to a song. That was a good time. I really should learn those.
Just watched House M.D. Wow - thanks nikki for suggesting it btw, cause that is a really good show. I've only seen 2 episodes, but they both have been pretty good. House is amazingly funny. So dry, so "Cox" and so "becker" at the same time.
And now i'm updating and chatting on the internet.
Until tomorrow where I try to make the post shorter yet (cause I just realized it's still freaking long)....
Seacrest out!
Monday, March 21, 2005
The one where he wrote a wedding toast...
So we sang at this church Easter pageant/play/modern music extravaganza which was amazing. We performed on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday night already, and we'd always left after we were done on Fri and Sat, but last night (sunday) we stayed for the whole thing. And Damn, I was impressed. I don't know what I was expecting, but it wasn't that - What they did, was absolutely....just great. We sang this song "to zion" by lauren hill, which was then done by Upenn off the beat, then someone arranged it for the pends (I don't remember who did that- sorry :( ) But anyway, we did a great job too, don't get me wrong, but these congregation members, were like "woah". Anyway, we have to go do it again on Friday of this week, so if you can get there and watch it, it's great. Although I don't think I can give you a ride, because I somehow end up with like 4 people in my backseat, which I feel bad about, but they don't seem to mind all that much, so hey, hope it's not too bad for you, if you're reading this, and get stuck in my back seat.
On Friday night, I had quite the good time - I went out with Paul and Dave to paul's friend's apartment on s. bouquet - Sweet apt, btw - They had their own bar, which is like... "cool man, realll cool" (west side story) So I had a bit to drink then - I guess I must have, because I was drinking warm beer by the end of the night, that tasted fine, which normally, as you may know, tastes like crap. Anyway, good times with you guys - paul had an especially good night, or so we're guessing, as dave and I left without him ;)
Now I'm in the cathedral writing this, after giving my speech, and contemplating about how "high" my hair is today. Tony and Sarah and emily (sarah's friend), all of whom I ate breakfast with this morning commented on my hair. It is apparantly "high," which is cool. I guess I'm going for the whole "Zach Braff" look lately, so expect some seriously "high" hair. Yeah, I know you all care about my hair. The latest wired magazine had a term for this kind of blog entry. I don't remember the term, but it's definition is "A blog entry of little or no relevance to the people that will read it" Sooo, when I get to that point, I should stop. I should stop before that, but I never do.
Anyway, 4 square tonight. I'm freaking excited - It's gunna be OUTSIDE (spring's coming - and although I didn't do much boarding this winter, I'm EXCITED for the nice weather)
Seacrest OUT
Wednesday, March 09, 2005
The other one where...
...The kid screwed up. He set out to write a blog about "things" that were unbeknownst to him, and has yet to write really much of anything. But he's got nothing. Absolutely nothing. So the kid has decided to snap the fuck out of it. He realizes that this blog is nothing special, and it's absofuckingly nothing different that the other one he used to write in. He doesn't have things to talk about - well, if he does ever, he'll just talk about them. As himself, like every other normal person. Amanda was right - it's not different than anyone elses'. Anyway... [snaps out of 3rd person crap]
So yeah, I'm sick. I don't mean to bitch, but this has really sucked. Not only was this break destined to suck in the first place for another reason :( but on top of it, me and the commode are bestest buddies. Enough with this annoying "wahhh I'm sick, give me pity" - on to the good stuff.
I went to hang out with Simon yesterday, and he's like "dude, we should go play ddr" and I'm like "dude you're right." <- it went just like that too. Anyway, so we drive to the "clubhouse" in Henrietta - and uh, they're closed Monday-Thursday, and being that the day we were there fell into that range of days, the doors were locked. So being that Simon didn't have his "handy dandy internet, handy" (wow dude), we were S.o.l. for the moment. Then he had the brilliant idea of going to the Henrietta public library to hop on the good ol' net. So we get there, and realize we need a library card. Both of ours are in the burgh. So, I decide to pay the dollar and get a new one. But guess who had late fees for returning "The Life and Times of J.D. Salinger" from junior year of high school. Yup, me. Anyway, so I paid the whopping 5 dollars and 30 cents to right my wrongs, and got my card. Anddd then it doesn't work on the computers, cause apparently, it didn't go into effect yet (and after trying to many times, it locked me out of the system.... anyhoo). So then we see the computer marked "filtered," which apparently doesn't require a username. So, logging on to, we find that there's one at RIT. Well, we make the hike out there, swim out way through the concrete abyss to the game room, and find that the machine is out of order. Crap. Strike 2 (but since it was getting late, it was kinda like strike 3) and left. So that was what we did for like 3 hours. It was a good time, regardless of what you might be thinking.
So today, I went out to lunch with Rich, my old buddy from middle school, at the Dinosaur BBQ (I know, good place to go when you're having stomach problems- oops, oh well, no biggie). We got some catching up done, I got to ride in his new Mini, which was hot, for the record, and ate some high quality meat as well. Then he drove me to the VW dealer to pick up my car, which was getting all fixed up, cause it broke. (the check engine light has been on since last semester sometime, around the time of the penn state tour trip.... yikes!)
So now I'm sitting on the couch watching old episodes of friends (which is kinda funny, cause I start these things with friendsesque titles). My parents and sister left to go to a "college night" that my sister won't pay attention to (don't get me wrong- I didn't listen either) and now I'm wishing that I took Simon up on his dinner invite, cause it sounded really good, although still probably a good decision not to go, as I almost puked up tonight's dinner here at home. That would be quite the mood-killer. I can just see it now: "Thanks dude, this food is really goo...[bleaghhhhhhh] good." But anyway, I think I'll lay down now, and perhaps take a little nap. I didn't get much sleep last night, as I refused nyquil, thinking I could make it on my own. Big mistake.
Well if you made it this far, thanks for reading, hopefully you're interested, although as I was going to try to entertain before, I'm not gunna try it, hopefully my stuff is good enough "as is."
I'm out - Have a good break everyone, be it this week, or next, make it a good one. C-ya