I've been watching this movie called "what the bleep do we know" for the past few days. I kind of just keep it minimized, and come back to it whenever. When we went to mcquaid to visit and such, and were making the rounds, simon and I went into mrs. bors room. simon knows her and whatnot - i really don't, but i went in anyway and we had a chat. During this chat, she suggested watching this crazy hippie physics movie called "what the bleep do we know" She's right - crazy hippies are at it again. But it's good. Makes you think about what reality is, in reality. Although, it did lose some credibility when one of the "scientists" on it, described the way the brain works, as electrical impulses shooting like lightning bolts from one neuron to another through the synaptic cleft. No fucking way. Chemicals are in the synaptic cleft. Electrial impulses are within each cell. She's full of shit. Where did she go to school the university of completely wrong science? Sheesh.
But for the most part, it's an interesting flick. It's a documentary interlaced with a traditional movie of sorts, that's plot line helps illustrate what they're discussing in the documentary portion. You should download, um, ehem - i mean buy it.
it's also on www.gk2gk.com's top 10 list of geeky movies. (gk2gk.com is "geek to geek" - a geek dating website, if you were wondering - it's related to this: http://www.nydailynews.com/front/story/317296p-271224c.html)
yesterday my grandpa embarassed the fuck out of me. not in front of other people, but ok, let's just say he was discussing his use of viagara in a bit too much detail to be discussing with your grandson.
Oh, the other day, i had a cookout at my cottage. not many people came, but the people that did seemed to have a good time. i should do that again sometime. i could perhaps do without the giant thunderstorm that rolled in right as we were getting kurt out of the water again on one ski. yeah - he's freaking amazing on the water. skipper kurt. then we played poker. i think evan won - either him or dennis. i wasn't paying attention, because i was the first one to get out. stupid ace / 10 and not being good enough. seeing simon was good too - he was in town for his brother's graduation, which is cool / fucking scary. the thought of tim graduating from h.s. is like woah. cool, but woah. he's going to kick ass at mercyhurst. hopefully i'll be able to go down and visit him sometime. maybe i'll just go down there by myself or something and chill for the weekend or so. that could be fun. and then a few weeekends later, i can travel down with sarah and claire and visit tony - then bring his ass back up to rah - cha - cha
lol - t-shirt hell brought back the "worse than hell" section. basically, the guy that runs it took it down (for reasons he didn't divulge) a little while ago, but then because of public outcry, and the need to display foul matter in the name of free speech, he brought it back. that's quite the "hated by kafka" sentence right there. anyway - there's a funny one up there now.
"Dave Chappelle went back to Africa. One down."
Of course, they comment on this one by saying "We're just kidding. We love Dave Chappelle. We're sure he only went there to fuck the giraffes like we do."
Now that's a bit weird, but still, funny.
Now what would really be funny, is if I made this shirt:
"Tony went back to (south) Africa."
Cause he's black. But he's alll white chocolate. Wow, i hope he doesn't take offense to that. Fuck him if he does ;) right buddy? You can make fun of my uke ass all day long. I like it - i love it - i want more of it.
Right sensei faust?